Career questions tagged campus

How can I cope with the sadness of leaving college?
I'm approaching my last semester as an undergraduate, and I'm already sad about leaving a really phenomenal friend group, campus, and community behind. Many people I talk to say that college is the best time of your life, and I'm worried that I'll have more to look back on than to look forward to. Can I hear some stories from professionals who came out of undergrad and found a lot of joy wherever they ended up? #undergrad #career-transition #graduation #community #campus

Is it important to tour the campus in person before applying to college?
Office Hours #2: SDSU College Student Panel This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours sessions, we invite students to pose questions related to a specific topic. In this case, the topic was college life. If you answer this question, we will reach out to the students who attended this office hours session to inform them of your response, and all students on CareerVillage will benefit. If you would be interested in hosting an office hours session on a particular topic, please reach out to our staff! #college #college-applications #campus

How can I utilize my campus career center to its full potential?
#campus # #career-development #July #July20

How competitive is it to get an on-campus job or employment opportunity?
What percentage of students apply for these jobs? How many of those applicants get accepted? How many jobs are offered on an average college campus? What are the typical qualifications desired of applicants? #campusjob #job #campus #money #competition

Dorm, on campus living; vs apartment,off campus living...
#campus #college-life #college-advice #residence-life #transferstudent I have orientation for transfer students coming up and will most likely be commuting for at least my first semester. The reason being, I don't want too much debt when I get out of college, and also, I would like to meet someone I am compatible with to be room mates! When I decide to be a resident student, I am wondering if I would benefit more from living on campus vs off campus, especially since I will be a Junior and not a Freshman. Are most Dorm students Freshman?

Branch or Main Campus?
My dad was relatively okay with the college he heard I was going to... until he realized I would be going to the branch that's only 15 minutes away from home, so I can commute, instead of receiving my education at the main campus of the school and staying in the dorms. I decided to go to the branch because we don't have a lot of money and I can get my whole degree there without the cost of the housing. But he's afraid that not only will I not get the same quality education, I will also not be considered for a job in a city like New York for a publishing company because it will look like a "knock-off" of sorts of the "real deal". Are these real risks? #college #choosing-a-college #campus

Is living on campus or off campus better?
I would love to know your opinion #college #canada-university #campus #offcampus #oncampus

Do many students work on or off campus in collge? How easy is it to find a part-time job?
I am asking this question because I am considering working while on campus. Although I have been told it is a very strenuous thing to do whether on or off campus, i would still like some professional input as well. #work #college-jobs #campus

Should I stay on campus?
I can't afford to stay on campus but my mom is offering to pay for my room and board. #college-life #campus

Does visiting a school before applying increase your chances of getting in?
How important is it to visit a college and show interest in it before applying to it. Will a college not accept you because you haven't visited their campus or taken a tour? #college #admissions #campus