Career questions tagged starvingartist

How can I choose a profitable career when my interests don’t align with many?
I’m an upcoming senior in high school and I’m starting to seriously consider my future path. My issue is that my interest in the preforming and fine arts outweighs much of anything else, and From what I know those Aren’t fields that often get paid very much. I enjoy designing and drafting so I was looking at careers in the architectural and graphic design fields, but I hold more passion for fiction writing than I do Math. My other interests are things like theater, music (theory and performance) I do find things like psychology interesting, but that field deals with directly helping people, and jobs like that, (teacher, therapist, psychiatrist,) would be awful for me. So I’m at a huge roadblock. Any help? #arts #music #career #career-choice #help #architecture #graphicdesign #starvingartist #decisions #stuck #confused #help # #psychology #profitable #money

Is Art school really worth it/ Do artists make money, more than just getting by?
My parents love my artistic ability but don't think it's practical to "waste" a college education on. Our compromise was art history and restoration so I could work in a museum. I've always heard if you do what you love, than it's not work, and I LOVE to draw , make stories, and create. Are there really good jobs using an art drawing/ studio degree that will please my parents and me by letting me be happy and successful, not just live job to job and paycheck to paycheck. #parentslovemuseum #starvingartist