Jared Chung

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What are some computer engineer or related internships that don't require any prior experience?
I am a college student looking for computer engineer internships in the San Jose Bay Area. What are some companies that are recruiting right now?

How would the release of GPT4.0 affect the job market in machine learning/natural language processing?
Given the latest advancements in GPT4.0, is the field of ML/NLP still a promising field to enter after graduation? How effects would those large language models have on the current jobs in the field ML/NLP?

How does Karma work on Career Village?
DISCLAIMER: This is not a professional question. Unless you want to fuel the childish desires of a high school sophomore, don't waste your time answering this question. (My teacher said our CareerVillage questions have to be professional, and as this is not, I'm adding this disclaimer.) I'm a...

What is the intended purpose of this website and how long has it been in operation?
I just wanted to know what I am supposed to learn and how ling this website has been running out of curiosity

Would you be willing to participate in a survey about work-from-home workspaces and its impact on job satisfaction?
Hey, I'm a high school student conducting a research project on how your remote workspace impacts your job satisfaction. If you work from home could you complete this survey, it takes about 5 minutes. Thanks in advance!

When did you guys realize procrastination was something getting in the way of your life.?
When did you guys realize procrastination was something getting in the way of your life.

What are some tools of the Industrial Machinery Mechanic I should be most familiar with?
I am just a lone 19 year-old looking for information on a job interest.

What is the hardest part about being a programmer?
In class we are discussing career opportunities and are trying to find information on different careers.

Is it easier to program for mobile or pc applications?
So many people today use their phones for everything and so many programs exist on the multiple app stores. Is it easier to program for the app store or for for windows applications?

What inspired you to be a programmer?
We are discussing careers in class and I am interested in programming.

what would a non profit business look like
I like to be my own boss but have a idea of what im doing like a mentor #non-profit #travel #anthropology #mentoring #entrepreneurship

How does investing in the stock market work? When I buy a share in a company, how do I sell it? How do people lose money in the market? Any other information?
stock market
college student
#stocks-investing #stock-market #stock-trading

How were you able to execute this nonprofit organization?
I am an aspiring software and agricultural engineer that goes to Aspire Lionel Wilson College Preparatory Academy. #nonprofits #non-profits