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Wael Al-Rihawi’s Avatar

Wael Al-Rihawi

Mechanical Engineer I Automotive
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Construction and Extraction Occupations
Redford Charter Township, Michigan
1122 Answers
1793906 Reads
4415 Karma


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Citizen Patrol
Civic Duty

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Rakesh’s Avatar
Rakesh Jun 22, 2016 822 views

In which stream i will take in my higher studies for educator?

I like very much to teach everyone. #teacher #any #principal

Tejashwini’s Avatar
Tejashwini Jun 22, 2016 874 views

i want to bcome engineear? which corse i must take?

i wanted to engineering #engineer #professor #software

praveen’s Avatar
praveen Jun 22, 2016 2125 views

who invented the technology

i want to know this answer. #teacher

Anina’s Avatar
Anina Jul 29, 2016 1077 views

What is the best way to pack your stuff to go to college?

I'm leaving for college in a few weeks for a college on the other side of the country. Should I have my stuff shipped (is it expensive especially for big stuff like blankets?) Should I just make sure that everything fits in two suitcases for my flight? #college

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Jul 30, 2016 1191 views

What is sound engineering, and how to become one?

Would like to know what to study to become a sound engineer. #sound-editing

ASWIN’s Avatar
ASWIN Jun 22, 2016 548 views

I am studying in 9 std I want to what are the process in Police selection

My aim is Police so i want #police

Aishwarya’s Avatar
Aishwarya Jun 22, 2016 488 views

I want become a fashion designer?

which is suitable course need to study at college level guide me #any

Anusha’s Avatar
Anusha Jun 22, 2016 566 views

I want become CBI Officer? which course i need join in college level?

i want join civil services in india #any

yiu yeung’s Avatar
yiu yeung Jun 22, 2016 1040 views

what kind of part time job should i take if im 16

i want cash #general

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Jun 22, 2016 1541 views

What are the steps in becoming a professional Football player?

I am asking because I want to be a Football player. #football #player

johan’s Avatar
johan Jun 22, 2016 1669 views

how much money does a game designer make?

I am pretty interested in game designing and i would like to know more about game designing and development #gaming #video-game-design

saran mgr’s Avatar
saran mgr Jun 23, 2016 797 views

What are all the qualifications to become a aeronautical engineer?

I want to become a aeronautical engineer. Please tell me the way to achieve my goal. #engineer #aeronautical

Mani mgr’s Avatar
Mani mgr Jun 23, 2016 706 views

What are the qualifications to become a Dentist?

I want to become a Dentist. Please tell me the way t achieve my goal. #dentist

Bala mgr’s Avatar
Bala mgr Jun 23, 2016 1391 views

What are the qualifications to become a Accountant?

I want to become a Accoutant. Please tell me the way t achieve my goal. #accountant

nara’s Avatar
nara May 04, 2016 731 views

i want to become a CBI officer ? which subject i want to take in college level

hi! i am nara shakti i am from ghs j b nagar bengaluru #any #professional