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Wael Al-Rihawi’s Avatar

Wael Al-Rihawi

Mechanical Engineer I Automotive
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Construction and Extraction Occupations
Redford Charter Township, Michigan
1122 Answers
1563671 Reads
4415 Karma


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Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin May 26, 2016 1380 views

How's the job outlook for voice acting?

Is it easy to get a job as a voice actor? #voice-acting #voice-over

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin May 26, 2016 894 views

Suggested steps for voice acting as a career?

How should I proceed with starting up a career in voice acting? #acting #video-games #voice-acting #voice-over #voiceover

Joselyn’s Avatar
Joselyn May 27, 2016 937 views

Would my job be more exciting as a fashion designer or dentist?

I wish I could be able to do both. I'm stuck on what I want to be #fashion #dental

Javia’s Avatar
Javia May 27, 2016 670 views

should i take pre med or nursing for my major in undergraduate school if i want to be a pediatrician?

I'm confused about which major to take. #pre-med

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah May 27, 2016 744 views

What are some tips for college students looking to get an internship in their intended area?

I am hoping to get an internship in my following years at college, and I was just wondering what kind of internships I should look for, how I should approach the search, etc. #college #internships

Laura’s Avatar
Laura May 27, 2016 1090 views

Nursing Vs. Pre-Med

I'm stuck between Nursing and Pre-Med/Biology. Is it a right choice that I continue on with pre-requisites courses for nursing and get into a nursing school where I can obtain my bachelor degree (BSN) and take the state NCLEX exam to become an RN. Then, take the MCAT exam to apply to medical...

Vasili’s Avatar
Vasili May 27, 2016 2498 views

How easy it is to find a job as an athletic trainer?

That's my potential major #physical #trainer #athletic

Shakuan’s Avatar
Shakuan May 28, 2016 844 views

What percent of the material you learned in college do you feel you actually use in your field of work?

I am curious how others have applied what they have learned to their current jobs and/or internships. #major #work #learning

Mikayla’s Avatar
Mikayla May 28, 2016 646 views

While in College, should I get a work study job or a regular minimum wage job?

I am considering both types of jobs and i'm not sure which one is more beneficial #graduate

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jun 02, 2016 1613 views

What makes a successful college essay?

I am thinking of starting my college essays and don't know what to include in it. #college #college-essay

Keerthana’s Avatar
Keerthana Jun 04, 2016 720 views

how to find a good job?

for my future #doctorate-degree #teach

Keerthana’s Avatar
Keerthana Jun 04, 2016 811 views

which is the easiest subject?

for my school life
#teaching #teacher

Keziah’s Avatar
Keziah Jun 14, 2016 747 views

what is the day to day lives of mechanical engineers and doctors?

Having a hard time choosing one or the other, would like a little in what everyday life of doctors and mechanical engineers! #doctor #mechanical-engineer

Juliana’s Avatar
Juliana Jun 14, 2016 2911 views

What are some good universities for a cello performance major?

Hi, I'm in high school and I would like to major in cello performance in college and eventually make a career out of music. Does anyone know any schools that are especially good for this?
Thanks! #education #music #music-performance #orchestral-music #playing-cello

Amina’s Avatar
Amina Jun 14, 2016 1032 views

What would be the most efficient way to make money in a short time period?

If you are a struggling student and need some cash in your pocket, what options do I have? #student #employment