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Don Condie’s Avatar

Don Condie

Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
West Jordan, Utah
38 Answers
27658 Reads
61 Karma

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Jonah’s Avatar
Jonah May 16, 2023 433 views

What do you like most about being an electrician ?

This question highlights what interviewees enjoy most about being in the electrical industry. Whether that's something in their day-to-day life or a reward they can't help but appreciate, this question allows the professional to discuss their time about the trade.

Josaiah’s Avatar
Josaiah May 16, 2023 576 views

Why does the compensation start so low for electricians at entry level?

I'm just wondering and I know that it can reach six figures at some point.

Jairo’s Avatar
Jairo Mar 06, 2023 294 views

How does one get promoted as an Electrician?

I wanted to know how long it would take to be promoted in Electrician

timothy’s Avatar
timothy Feb 01, 2023 426 views

What might be the best way to start me off into getting ready to be an electrician?

I am looking for ways to get a little boost of what classes i might need to take in college / high school to prepare

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Dec 06, 2022 713 views

Electrical: What kinds of projects do interns & entry level hires get involved in?

I am a currently enrolled student in Job Corp, I am planning on going into the electrical trade and would love to hear from the perspective of someone who follows into that career.

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Dec 13, 2022 628 views

What are your main responsibilities as an electrician? ?

I am a job corps student.

James’s Avatar
James Oct 27, 2022 612 views

What do I have to do to be successful in college? What would be the best course of action to take before college?

I'm in 11th. I like welding, blacksmithing, woodworking, and working on vehicles. I'm very literal. I am having second doubts about what I want to major in; I like working on technology, whether computers, coding, phones, or software. My dream college is Texas A & M, stationed out of college...

james’s Avatar
james Aug 29, 2022 862 views

Management position as a Electrician

1. What was the most difficult thing about working as a electrician?

2.How do you overcome the obstacles of working in management?

3.Was it worth the training, and do you love doing it?

Gilberto’s Avatar
Gilberto Sep 29, 2022 386 views

How well do co-workers coordinate with each other while doing work as an electrician.

I want to know what type of relationships are needed in this field of work.

Gilberto’s Avatar
Gilberto Sep 29, 2022 334 views

What are some difficult problems you have solved as an electrician.

I just want to know if i have the capabilities/skills for this career.

Jeremiah’s Avatar
Jeremiah Sep 13, 2022 660 views


Do you think I will get electrocuted on the Job?

Polaris’s Avatar
Polaris Jun 28, 2022 544 views

whats the best way to get into phase 3 or low voltage in the electrical industry

I'm interested in electrical work

Demetrius’s Avatar
Demetrius Mar 16, 2022 2019 views

to all the electricians out there, when do you typically start your workday and when do you end it?

How much do you work per week, and do you feel satisfied with how many days off and vacations you get? I'm going to start pursuing the Electrician trade soon, and I'd really like to get a grasp of what my work-life balance will be, during and after my apprenticeship. I have a couple of hobbies...

Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan Nov 08, 2021 599 views

What is a great way to focus on individual school assignments

When I do an assignment during school, it's so hard to do so. But at home it's easy. # #education

Tracy’s Avatar
Tracy Oct 25, 2021 564 views

I'm a teacher that just signed up for a webinar to show my students and need to show it at a later time, can I?

I teach at a school for mostly refugees in Utah. 80-90% speak multiple languages and are at the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum. I teach middle school math AND CSP from in an after school environment. I signed up for the webinar on alternatives to 4-year degree, which I...