Jason Flint
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What are some things security managers are required? How often do security guards get into altercations? What is the mortality rate for security guards?
Some hobbies I'm in is basketball, football, and working out. I often like to read and I'm very aware of my surroundings.
what are some great skills to have while doing security ?
student from job corps
Hello! I'm a freshman in college studying creative writing with a cognate in journalism. I want to work as a Public Affairs Specialist with the FBI or U.S. Army when I graduate. What kind of courses should I sign up for? I know I'll need to take a couple of communications, public relations, political science, and journalism courses. Are they any others I should be aware of? Also, what kind of jobs and internships should I look for that will prepare me for my dream career??
Career advice for a student interested in Public Affairs.
What are the career choices for someone who studied political Science ?
I Am planning to go to college and study political Science and am curious on what career path
What do those before me have to say about being a security guard and how was the experience for it ? What are three informational interview questions you would ask??
What do those before me have to say about being a security guard and how was the experience for it? What are three informational interview questions you would ask?
College Activities?
How does college life differ at big schools compared to smaller schools?
What do you need to get into colleges like Cornell? Is there something extra that you can do to set your application apart from the others?
I am a junior in high school. I am looking to apply to colleges next summer and just wanted to get a heads up to see what I was aiming for. #college #university
what additional skills and do i need for a career in security?
my name is joshua i am a student at job corps. im interested in a career in security.my skills include working outside, hard worker. in my spare time i workout. what skills do i need for security.
How can i get reach in school?
I am in grade 8 and i need to know the kind of jobs and skills to get rich
What are some good tips on what to do to become a diplomat?
Hi, I'm a 10th grade student aspiring to major in International Relations and become a diplomat. I'm looking for general tips for the industry.
Is being a security guard difficult?
The reason I ask you if this job is hard is because I dont like things given to me easily .
How to find the perfect career for me?
I already have a couple careers in mind but there are so many and I learn about new ones each day how to find the perfect one for me?