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Jerome Levy’s Avatar

Jerome Levy

81 Answers
103329 Reads
251 Karma



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Jason’s Avatar
Jason Oct 06, 2021 812 views

What are the differences between Software Engineers and Software Developers?

#software-engineer #software-developer #technology

Shivam’s Avatar
Shivam Oct 13, 2021 1369 views

How to learn Coding from beginning

#technology #coding #programming

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Oct 14, 2021 409 views

Is a Filmaker's job as fun as it sounds?

I have autism and my favorite things to do is sing, dance, go for walks and play games talk and watch tv and movies.

Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin Sep 28, 2021 646 views

What do you believe is the best programming language or web framework for full-stack developers today?

#technology #software #programmer

Ellie’s Avatar
Ellie Jan 18, 2020 1481 views

How much math is really involved in engineering?

I suck at math but all I can imagine myself doing is being an engineer. I want to do enviornmental (which is like civil) #engineering engineering

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Sep 16, 2021 590 views

What do you do in software engineering

I go to Galileo. #engineering

Lauryn’s Avatar
Lauryn Sep 18, 2021 1321 views

As an aspiring film editor, how do I build my portfolio so people actually know that I can edit?

#film #editing #cinema #portfolio #videos #projects #filmediting #television

Jamie’s Avatar
Jamie Sep 19, 2021 1122 views

How necessary is it to get a college degree for web development or UI/UX design?

I am a current high school senior considering whether or not I want to dedicate four year’s time and go into debt for a bachelor’s degree in computer science with a minor in design. I am hoping to get online certificates and take online courses instead as I’ve heard the computer science/design...

Carlos’s Avatar
Carlos Aug 25, 2021 616 views

what is the most boring thing about your job?

HVAC #career

Alexandria’s Avatar
Alexandria Aug 20, 2021 577 views

What technological tools are important in maintenance?

#technology #tools

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Mar 05, 2019 675 views

What is the best HDD for me to get that will not have critical failures throughout it's lifespan? #tech

#technology #computer-engineer #tech

Kamari’s Avatar
Kamari Jul 30, 2021 891 views

I want to learn more about being an engineer

#engineering #engineer #software #math #software-engineering

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Jan 22, 2019 1251 views

What is the requirements for a Sound Engineering Technician?

I am interested in becoming a sound engineering technician after I complete my job corps training. Would like to know what the requirements are for this job position because sometimes when they say a high school diploma they only take people with collage degrees so I would like to know what...

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Sep 25, 2019 871 views

Could you describe one of your typical work days being a video producer?

I'm in audio/Video production for m high school and wanted to know if keep following this path would it be a struggle finding work? #technology #internship

Maitlin’s Avatar
Maitlin May 24, 2016 2216 views

What is it like to be a professional game tester?

As anyone who plays video games would be, I was excited by the prospect that playing video games could be a viable career choice. But I don't know if it would be the right career for me, since in the end it sounds like a lot of sitting down. Is it as fun as it sounds initially, does it become...