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Pro Professional’s Avatar

Pro Professional

Fort Worth, Texas
207 Answers
178248 Reads
161 Karma


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Meghan’s Avatar
Meghan Jan 29, 2019 1253 views

How do I get more looks on my job applications?

I’m a senior in college currently applying for for time employment post graduation. Many of my applications have been sent to companies online and I have not been getting any call backs. I’ve had my resume checked over and have been assured that it look good. I guess I’m trying to find other...

david’s Avatar
david Apr 17, 2019 17342 views

Common interview questions

#interviews #job-application #job-search

Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel Aug 31, 2021 1256 views

What is one of the most important things I have to say in a job interview?

#job #interviews #job-search #job-application

Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel Aug 31, 2021 2645 views

What things should I avoid saying in a job interview?

#job #interviews #job-search #interviewing-skills

Abdullah’s Avatar
Abdullah Sep 04, 2019 961 views

What does the life of a marketing manager look like ?

#marketing #business #internship

Sonny’s Avatar
Sonny Aug 27, 2021 833 views

Is Client Specialist a marketing-related job?

I was recently offered a Client Specialist job for entry level, and I am wondering if this is a good entry-level marketing job as I want to go big into marketing after college. #marketing #career #career #business

Roger’s Avatar
Roger Aug 26, 2021 736 views

What are some simple jobs that I could have, (before I start/finish college) that have to do with graphic design?

So I'm looking for an entry-level job that has to do with graphic design. I don't know what jobs I should be looking for. I probably want to be a motion graphic designer, so if there's a simple job related to that somehow that would be preferable. Thanks for the future responses....

vycesika’s Avatar
vycesika Aug 27, 2021 649 views

I have planned on moving to Ireland, Dublin. which university is the best for learning Pyschology?

#university #college #psychology #counsellor

Harmony’s Avatar
Harmony Aug 27, 2021 941 views

What companies will you recommend to me, if I want to work in the Human Resources field right after graduation?

#human-resources #business #business-management

jayden’s Avatar
jayden Aug 26, 2021 863 views

what education is needed to be a event planner


Eryx’s Avatar
Eryx Aug 26, 2021 514 views

What steps are there to become a 2d animator?

I am a senior in high school and I am interested in 2d animation. #animation #animation

Elen’s Avatar
Elen Aug 26, 2021 594 views

How to get a job at Pixar studios?

I'm a high school senior and i want to get a job at Pixar studios in the future and i would like to know how people get accepted to that studio. #career #job #career-choice #career-counseling

David’s Avatar
David Aug 26, 2021 548 views

What are the best internships and How hard can it be to join.

I love digital arts and I wanna get better. I am funny, nice, happy, and a little slow. I wanna get an internship at toe animation. I am only 15 years old#artist #art #internship

Sona’s Avatar
Sona Aug 26, 2021 550 views

What internships are good to start with fro 2D animation for high schoolers

#animation #art internships #internship #art

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 23, 2018 1244 views

Going into college undecided?

I am going into college undecided and it makes me worried that I will not be able to find what major and ultimately what type of job to go into. Is there anything that someone found helpful to find the right path to choosing a fitting major? #undecided #major #job #worried