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Jerry Tingstad’s Avatar

Jerry Tingstad

Professor/middle school teacher/48 years
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
New York, New York
77 Answers
59315 Reads
71 Karma

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Sophie’s Avatar
Sophie Jan 19 1398 views

What are some jobs that are similar to elementary education, but involve more individual work with students?

I would prefer to work in a one-on-one setting where I could better help the student, and connect with them. I would also love something that relates to ASL.

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin Jan 18 650 views

How do you get started in urban development and community engagement?

I will be graduating with my B.A. in Communication in May 2024. I will also be enrolling in an MPA program this Fall.

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Dec 28, 2023 638 views

Is there any programs or websites that could help me with getting a headstart on my education pathway?

I'm 14 (15 in January 2024) and I'm certain that I am going into the education pathway. Hopefully a mathematics teacher for elementary or middle school students. I am looking for any way to get a headstart/ more info about it. I am currently in EdRising, which is helping me get some more info...

tyler’s Avatar
tyler Dec 29, 2023 1190 views

What should I know for elementary education major in college?

In my first year of college, any tips?

Violet’s Avatar
Violet Dec 11, 2023 474 views

Will getting my GED hold me back in Politics?

I'm currently in the Job Crops program. After I plan to do 2 years of community college and then transfer to a Univerity for my Political Science degree. Then I want to pursue politics. My question is will getting my GED at Job Crops instead of my diploma hold me back in politics? Currently to...

Jana’s Avatar
Jana Nov 15, 2023 688 views

Is there any room for growth when working in Security?

I would like to know if there is any advancement or opportunities in homeland security.

Violet’s Avatar
Violet Nov 14, 2023 1278 views

How possible is it to get into a job as a politician or a Political Scientist, and what are some of the requirements?

How long does it generally take to find a job as a Political Scientist or a Politician? What kind of education should I try to get to properly prepare me for either career? How competitive is the job market for these careers?

Isalyn’s Avatar
Isalyn Nov 11, 2023 641 views

How can i get into Human Services at an early age ?

How can i get into Human Services ?

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Nov 03, 2023 541 views

How would I go about finding someone to interview for my finals?

How would I go about going finding someone to interview that is working in a field related to my major? (history) It's for finals and I have no social connection whatsoever.

Hunter’s Avatar
Hunter Oct 29, 2023 1029 views

Collage majors

If I double majored in architecture and American history and Minor in political science would that be the best?

Tnchom’s Avatar
Tnchom Oct 20, 2023 659 views

What is the best job for a political science major focusing on public policy and management ?

What is the best master's degree to add to my major for a good-paying job?

Grant’s Avatar
Grant Oct 12, 2023 6074 views

Police Academy Questions?

Is it true that you get tased and pepper sprayed in the police academy? What if you have no prior knowledge on how to use a firearm, will they teach you?

Ryder’s Avatar
Ryder Oct 03, 2023 1178 views

How do you enter politics?

I am 8th grader from Arizona who is interested in politics, I want to know how enter?
Is college worth it for a political career?

Gabbie’s Avatar
Gabbie Oct 04, 2023 995 views

How can one find good political science/policy internships as a high school student?

I’ve been wanting to do an internship related to policy for a while, but it’s been hard to find internships for high school students. Any tips?

luke’s Avatar
luke Sep 19, 2023 310 views

I have a 3.7 GPA and I play volleyball what are more things I can do to get into Oxford? I will be taking college classes during my senior year which will be history classes, I will major in 10th-century English history.

I have a 3.7 GPA and I play volleyball what are more things I can do to get into Oxford? I will be taking college classes during my senior year which will be history classes, I will major in 10th-century English history.