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James Constantine Frangos’s Avatar

James Constantine Frangos

Consultant Dietitian-Nutritionist & Software Developer since 1972 🡆 Optimization Of Human Performance: jim.frangos@gmail
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
6762 Answers
6670635 Reads
4282 Karma


Civic Duty
Dublin’s Avatar
Dublin Sep 09, 2023 10737 views

Ask a letter of reference from your old boss - 3 years no contact?

I'm going back to school after a few years of work. The school requests 2 letters of references but I haven't contacted my old employers for 3 years (I left during covid, and have been working remotely since for another company). Should I reach out to them on Linkedin and ask over there? Or...

Avaneesh’s Avatar
Avaneesh Sep 09, 2023 423 views

what's a degree

esspetially for arts

lingeshwar’s Avatar
lingeshwar Apr 18, 2016 1099 views

how to decide a higher studies? mark, talent.

i'm finish tenth . i'm waiting for result. #career #career-counseling #job #student #advice

Nio’s Avatar
Nio Sep 11, 2023 1669 views

How do you fight the urge to "rest on your laurels" and instead consistently seek to make your company better?

I'm a senior at Georgia Southern University studying finance. I have considered pursuing a career in either financial analysis or financial planning, but I think I'm leaning more toward the analysis route.

Madilyn’s Avatar
Madilyn Sep 12, 2023 737 views

How can find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

How can find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Sep 13, 2023 863 views

How did you know that you wanted to be a nurse. I know it is a tough occupation, and nurses have to deal with a great deal of things no one else wanted to deal with.?

I am a Senior in high school interested in majoring in something medical.

Camari’s Avatar
Camari Sep 13, 2023 606 views

What is the benefit of acquiring a psychology degree?

I researched what are the requirements needed to do good on the Bar Exam. My sources say 78.8% of people who passed the exam had a degree in psychology. I want to know why.

marely’s Avatar
marely Sep 11, 2023 705 views

what would be a good age to start nursing? What would be the best job if your just starting one?

i know a lot go after college but like if we don’t go what age would be best if we would start late? like say you didn’t get a job in your teenage years what would be the best job as a starter?

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Sep 12, 2023 1227 views

What's the best way to decide what I need to do with my life?

I used to know exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a doctor, but then I wrote a play and now my entire life plan has changed. What is the best way to figure out what will actually be my best bet?

Emile’s Avatar
Emile Sep 12, 2023 1592 views

How can I get a job in cybersecurity before I graduate and what steps should I begin taking?

I am a first-year community college student.
I like video games

Angelous’s Avatar
Angelous Sep 12, 2023 878 views

Where did you go to school?

I am a high school graduate in Jobcorps, wanting to know some information on the happening from anyone in the cisco certified networking profession.

Dani’s Avatar
Dani Nov 07, 2022 655 views

What is the best college for child psychology ?

What college did you go to? What are the top rated schools for this major