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Drew Givens’s Avatar

Drew Givens

Finance System & Processes Change Management
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Kapaa, Hawaii
12 Answers
12044 Reads
31 Karma

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Phuong’s Avatar
Phuong Mar 17, 2023 1491 views

How do get started in UX/UI Design?

I am interested about UX/UI design, but can’t seem to some good resources to kickstart my learning journey in this field. I am specifically interested in the designing aspect of UX/UI design.

Ankit’s Avatar
Ankit Mar 24, 2023 786 views

Should I continue with ACCA or go for MBA?

I have completed 7 out of 13 ACCA paper, also got a good CAT score and thinking of going for MBA from DTU in Analytics, but not able to decide what to do?

Enrique’s Avatar
Enrique Mar 20, 2023 399 views

What are all the types of works related to agriculture?

What are all the types of works related to agriculture?

Ainsley’s Avatar
Ainsley Mar 24, 2023 1065 views

What classes do you have to take in a library science masters program? And what does the daily life of a librarian look like?

I'm currently in my senior year of high school, so I know I have a while before I'll get to graduate school, but I want to be prepared! I want to be a public librarian, specifically a children's librarian if possible.

mahdiyah’s Avatar
mahdiyah Oct 02, 2019 1088 views

Is it really worth to spend 9 years to become an astronomer? I've always loved astronomy since i was a kid, but now that I'm older and actually need to focus on what courses i have to take to get into university and jobs later on. And honestly i feel like if i take astronomy its too long for me, i mean its what i like but its too long. so is it real worth to spend 9 years to become an astronomer??

#school #astronomy #astronomer #IGCSE

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Oct 03, 2022 745 views

What traits do people need to be successful in your line of work?

Data-Science and research

addi’s Avatar
addi Oct 19, 2022 827 views

Any tips for sociology and taking that course as a career?

What should I be looking for becoming a sociologist? Is there anything specific?

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Oct 03, 2022 894 views

How to get into computer hardware QA engineering?

How do I get a position working in a company where they are needing technicians to work with the hardware engineers to troubleshoot and do quality assurance work on their products. I graduated with an associates in pre - engineering but I would like to get some real world experience to...

Juan’s Avatar
Juan Oct 06, 2022 422 views

Is culinary very hard?

I'm a Job Corps student. I want to know if it is hard being a culinary arts student.

Jerin’s Avatar
Jerin Sep 22, 2022 825 views

When we start a career in computer system what challenges will faced ?

Being overloaded with information, Meeting new colleagues ,Learning your team dynamics , Fitting into company culture..

Levi’s Avatar
Levi Oct 04, 2022 1894 views

What is the easiest science field and which is the hardest?

Which ones harder"

kevin’s Avatar
kevin Oct 06, 2022 943 views

why is a bachelors degree needed for most construction jobs ?

i was wondering why is a bachelors degree needed for most construction jobs .