Tvisha’s Career Goals
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Diadvantages of working in food industry?
I personally do not know a lot of peole in this industry and would really like to know from some experienced people that what are the challenges that they face, because every job has it's own pros and cons and i would like to know more about the disadvantages

Best choice in culinary arts ?
I am honestly interested in all aspects of culinary arts, be it photography or creating new recipes or staying in kitchen for long hours or even writing about food.
What currently and in the next 10 years has the most scope to expand?

How to select a college?
I have selected some colleges for my bachelors in culinary arts, however i am not sure which one to select because some of them have good internships and placements, while others have a better teaching faculty or some have amazing events in their campus. What should i give priority to? Also,...

I am not 18 yet?
I am currently 17 years old and will turn 18 this year, i love exploring new options for career, volunteering and utilising my free time but majority of the entrepries or volunteering firms have age limits of being atleast 18. I am unable to explore my career opportunites and decide if i...

How get clarity for your career ?
I am leaning towards two choices for career, either culinary arts or event management. I am still not completely confident to make a choice, how do i know what is the best choice for me in the long run for a career?

How do i know?
How do i know if i want to pursue culinary arts as a profession or i just like it as a hobby to research, learn, cook food