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Vamshee Gunturu’s Avatar

Vamshee Gunturu

Principal Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Chandler, Arizona
187 Answers
250993 Reads
699 Karma


Civic Duty

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Lilia’s Avatar
Lilia Nov 17, 2023 3497 views

How do I reenter workforce after 9 year absence due to staying at home with children How do I update resume? What jobs should I look for? ?

Ive been home with my kids for 9 years. previously I had 5 years of experience managing a law firm(admin) and then worked in Events/Weddings. Where do I start? How do I fill in technology skills ive missed out on or job skills I might need?

Paola’s Avatar
Paola Oct 27, 2023 3032 views

Why is it important to go to school ?

What if schools not for everyone.

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Oct 20, 2023 841 views

How to find the right career/major for you.?

I don’t know what to choose for my major and I really need to know. I am in high school and I still don’t know what to choose for my future life.

Haley’s Avatar
Haley Oct 20, 2023 869 views

How do I get job expericene?

I have no job experience and really want to get a job but everywhere I apply declines my application because I have no experience

Donna’s Avatar
Donna Oct 11, 2023 527 views

How can I find people also interested in my future career path?

I'm in 10th grade and my career interests including human services and stem

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Oct 10, 2023 614 views

what degrees does it take to become a mechanical engineering?

mechanical engineering requirements.

Cara’s Avatar
Cara Oct 10, 2023 1889 views

What is the best way to get college credit/ get a scholarship?

I am currently a 7th grader in middle school and am trying to find ways that I can get a scholarship. I am an A and B student who does a good amount of community service and I will start high school courses soon so I can graduate early. I am also planning on getting a job as soon as I turn 14.

Lorelei’s Avatar
Lorelei Oct 09, 2023 1906 views

How do I acheive my goals?

I struggle with staying on task and getting work done on time, but I want to go to a good college.

Adilay’s Avatar
Adilay Sep 28, 2023 746 views

What is it like working in a tech field like User Experience Design/Research?

I'm really drawn to psychology, but I also might be interested in working in tech. What kinds of things do these people do? Pros/cons of the job? Outlook?

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Sep 28, 2023 1105 views

What are some tips for choosing a college to go to?

There are so many possibilities it is hard to narrow them down

Omar’s Avatar
Omar Sep 18, 2023 804 views

How did you guys start engineering? Were you first maybe using a coding program or possibly using different mechanical things to put together something that works?

I wanna be an engineer especially software, but I am curious on how I can accomplish this at such a young age. Could you guys maybe give me some hints?

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Sep 16, 2023 1292 views

How do you get into the field of computer science and is it worth it ?

I’m a senior in high-school and I though of persuading a career in computer science, but my problem is; will it be difficult for me to get a job afterwards and will it be worth it?

Jericho’s Avatar
Jericho Apr 23, 2018 1200 views

What is the relative approximate for out of state tuition

So im thinking about going out of state for college yet pricing has always been a factor. Can anyone let me know a price range for popular colleges outside of illinois? #Tuition

Zach’s Avatar
Zach Sep 12, 2023 3414 views

What is the best minor to take with business management in college?

Looking to build my own business and understand how to manage and how it all works.

fafo’s Avatar
fafo Aug 11, 2023 578 views

What classes/courses lead to working with any types of engineering careers?

I'm interested in studying for a career in that field but don't know where to start to find the work I'm looking for.