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Robert Butler’s Avatar

Robert Butler

Project Manager
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Lone Tree, Colorado
44 Answers
50023 Reads
82 Karma

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Kadiatou’s Avatar
Kadiatou Jul 29, 2023 643 views

Where could I find (in person / remote) an internship/job as a student? And in what and how to invest money?

I feel very depressed and disappointed in my life. I don't like the way it is and wish to move out and have my own apartment. But I don't know how at 19 years old I could have an "adult job". I want to integrate into the business/marketing world and work for a firm or even get an internship...

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jul 17, 2023 454 views

How long did it take to become an anesthesiologist or real estate agent?

I’m just curious since I might do it

Baran’s Avatar
Baran Jul 10, 2023 543 views

Will I make good money if I get my license and work as a real estate agent in san jose California??

I am now debating between different potential options I can have in different careers and becoming a real estate agents is one of them. I’ve heard mixed answers from people. Some say you can make good money and some say it is very hard and not good salary
Which one is true. I’m so lost

kayla’s Avatar
kayla Jul 10, 2023 634 views

What are the qualifications for being a realtor?

Do you need college? If so how many years and what major? If not what kind of education do you need?

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jul 03, 2023 357 views

What Type of Knowledge do I need in order to get a career in real estate?

What type of knowledge do I need in order to get a career in real estate? I know that I need information on business and taxes however, I do not know where to go to learn that information. I am interested in anything that is business relate.

Suceli’s Avatar
Suceli Jun 21, 2023 1895 views

Real estate agent at 17, in texas ?

How can I get started as a real estate, when is the appropiate age, and what to have before starting

Liz’s Avatar
Liz Jun 18, 2023 868 views

What degrees do real estate agents need if any?

What degrees do real estate agents need? Should they go to college?

Natnael’s Avatar
Natnael Jun 05, 2023 418 views

Questions about Real Estate?

how can get a real estate permit?
what is the requirement?
when I get the permit?

Frank’s Avatar
Frank Jun 05, 2023 427 views

What made you want to be a realtor?

How did you start?
Did it take you a while to sell your first house?
What are some good advice going into real estate

laraine’s Avatar
laraine May 18, 2023 456 views

what should I do after Highschool?

I'm a sophomore and in NJROTC but I'm still not sure of what I should do or aim for after I graduate.

Nick’s Avatar
Nick May 16, 2023 875 views

How much is a Real Estate Agent making?

I am doing a high school project and need your guys help. I want to become a real estate agent but I need advice from one of you guys like what do you guys do in a day of your lifes or would you recommend this pathway to a young one like me?

Kaden’s Avatar
Kaden May 15, 2023 279 views

What skills prepared you for this job? Which activities life experience led to your career choice? ?

Hi im a freshmen and i am wondering what prepared you for real estate

Kaden’s Avatar
Kaden May 15, 2023 669 views

What was your motivation? What classes would you recommend to take?

Hi im a freshmen and i want to know what you recommend to take for real estate

Kaden’s Avatar
Kaden May 15, 2023 672 views

Did you have an adult who is in that career to give you further info? Did you take advanced placement classes in the field of your choice?

hi im a freshmen from NMCUSD, what advanced classes did you take

Kaden’s Avatar
Kaden May 15, 2023 833 views

What made you do this Career? What did you do to prepare for this career?

Hi im a freshman and i wanted to know what made you do Real Estate Agent?