Yili’s Career Goals
I want to be a cartoonist or a 2d animator, maybe both if possible.

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What are some tips when designing a character?
Like their background, personality and appearance

What is the daily life of a 2d animator be like?
Do they just draw the whole day and put the work together?

What are some difficulties for an animator?
Like workload, salary and when creating the artwork

How do animators and other art related careers earn money?
Do they get into a company? How much could they earn?

What skills are required for an animator?
How could I develop those skills?

How do you find inspirations/ideas?
I often feel like drawing but don't know what to draw

What are some online resources for learning 2d - animation and drawing?
Like tutorial video/channels, website with references

What do I need to become an animator?
I am currently a senior in high school, what courses will I need in college in order to be an animator?

How to build an art portfolio?
What should be included? When will I need it?

What are some jobs that doesn't require a college degree?
Currently a senior in high school

How is community college?
I'm a senior in high school and plan on going to community college first, how is it like in community college? what could I do inside?

What are some jobs for high school students?
How could I get one and what are some tips when working?

Is art more of a side job?
Since art is unstable, should it be a side job or having other jobs while being an artist?

Is it hard to start your own business?
What does it take to work for your own? Will it be difficult to maintain?