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Moses Ocampo’s Avatar

Moses Ocampo

Military Specific Occupations
Shafter, California
30 Answers
42195 Reads
32 Karma

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sumit’s Avatar
sumit May 03, 2016 1659 views

How do I join the army?

My name is Sumit in 9th class. My aim is to become commando in the army because I would love to serve my nation, but i haven't received any guidance how on to achieve my aim of life. #college #military

Bsolis13NFTEBOSS’s Avatar
Bsolis13NFTEBOSS Jan 19, 2012 3865 views

What are the pros and cons of being a Marine and how will i be able to follow a career in mechanics while also working on school?

I'm a junior in school who wants to enlist after high school but is also concerned about school. i feel that finishing school and earning a degree is a priority but i also wish to do so while serving in in the corps. #military #marine #mechanics

Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin Oct 15, 2019 1746 views

How do/did you stay motivated when faced with adversity and negative thoughts in boot camp/military?

#Military #BootCamp #Army

christopher’s Avatar
christopher Nov 27, 2019 1414 views

Would the military be a good step or should i just go back to school


Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Feb 03, 2020 4313 views

How do I know which Military Branch is right for me?

For as long as I could remember I had always dreamed of being in the Military. With my last year of HS weighing in, it's to the point where I need to step up and choose what I wanna do with my life. The only thing i'm having trouble with is deciding what branch is right for me. #military

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Jan 22, 2021 2977 views

What are some physical requirements to join the military?

I am interested in joining the military, but I know that I have a long way to go until in physically ready. I have plenty of time to prepare my self but I dont know what my goals should be I am 5,10 and I dont know the weight suggested for this height. #military

Colton’s Avatar
Colton Nov 08, 2022 854 views

What are the benefits of enlisting

what are the steps to enlist or the steps to enlisting when I get out of college.

anijyah’s Avatar
anijyah May 24, 2021 1249 views

What should I look forward to going straight into the military?

#army #military

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Nov 03, 2022 1029 views

military questions

What made you join the military?

How did you join the military?

why did you join the military?

when did you join the military?

William’s Avatar
William Nov 08, 2022 3769 views

What is a day in the life of someone in the military?

What are their daily routines, what kind of things are done?

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours May 05, 2023 914 views

What is something you wish you had known when you joined the military?

This question is part of our professionals series, which aims to expose students to questions they might not be considering.

Salvador’s Avatar
Salvador May 28, 2019 694 views

At the military what benefits are there?


Marco’s Avatar
Marco Sep 13, 2022 1023 views

Is it possible to do college/earn college credit while being in the military?

Have not started working towards college credit yet, unsure if I'm able to earn degrees in the military or if its only possible after serving or before enlisting.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours May 05, 2023 2544 views

What types of people are a good fit for the military?

This question is part of our professionals series, which aims to expose students to questions they might not be considering.

chloe’s Avatar
chloe Jun 17, 2023 1081 views

What can i do to stay motivated ?

what can i do to stay motivated and stay on track while juggling multiple tasks, both in and out of my educational field? I worry i’ll loose track and fall behind the curve…..