Sean McBrien
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what is the best way to help my skills and knowledge grow in the culinary industry?
what should I do and what should I avoid.
What are some things that will make my aplication stand out ?
What are some things that will make my aplication stand out. I wnat to study Public Realtions or marketing in Europe and want to know what are something I need?
Career path for a financial data scientist?
I am an accounting major with a minor in computer science. What is the best career path for a financial data scientist?101 games
Those who work with computers: what does your typical day look like?
I am interested in CS but don't know a lot about the work environment.
If you could also mention your specific field, that would be great
Do you get offered opportunities for advancement?
Does the place that your work offer advancements to already existing employees or do they often hire someone new?
What is a good before/after sport routine?
To insure that I won't get injured, I think a routine for before/after a game will be really useful :].
How to become an F1 Driver?
Tell us everything we need to know to become an F1 Driver.
Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.
What would be a suggested career path in order to work in investment banking Thanks?
Like what would be the University degree or just the main subjects someone should be related with (through courses, internships, programmes).
What is the biggest fear of your future success?
Tell me what challenges you feel you are going to face and the adversity you are going to have to overcome that follow along with your career path.
What is the work-life balance of an executive?
I'm interested in pursuing Business Management and Administration and Entrepreneurship in college. I was wondering what the work-life balance is like when you are a business executive or a manager. How do you maintain relationships? What are some factors that may affect the work-life balance?...
What will be some good career classes to take in college?
What's some good classes?
Will this help me with deciding a career goal?
I am confused on what to write on my career goal. I don’t know what kind of information to put.