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Angella chepchirchir’s Avatar

Angella chepchirchir

SEO, MARKETING, ANALYST , psychologist
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Nairobi, Nairobi County, Kenya
76 Answers
97042 Reads
485 Karma


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Janelle’s Avatar
Janelle Jul 17, 2023 909 views

College recommendations for Otolaryngology?

I am unsure of what college to go to for wanting to pursue a career in Otolaryngology or what to major in specifically. What major is recommended for pursuing a career in Otolaryngology?

Angie’s Avatar
Angie Jul 17, 2023 618 views

How do you discover the medical profession that most suited you the best?

As a college student I know I want to be in the medical field, I have kept my options open, but I haven't been able to truly explore all the careers available. I am hoping that someone who once stood in my shoes would lend me a few words of advice from their experiences. I also am curious to...

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Jul 17, 2023 1216 views

What are your best tips on building a career as an artist?

I have definitely started building my career by doing commissions, building an email list, getting in my community with art fairs, and hosting my own painting workshops.

Marissa’s Avatar
Marissa Jul 05, 2023 939 views

What are the credentials or certification I need in order to become a registered nurse?

I am in California, I wanted to be a medical administrative assistant, however, I want to strive higher and become a registered nurse. What are the steps I need to take to get there?

Shah’s Avatar
Shah Jul 05, 2023 1055 views

What are the best psychology and art schools? ?

What are the best art and psychology schools? I’m interested in both and need help deciding on which to pursue.

Tierra’s Avatar
Tierra Jul 05, 2023 455 views

How do I get a scholarship for music?

How do I get a scholarship in music and

Lawrence’s Avatar
Lawrence Jul 05, 2023 2297 views

What does a week look like for a film director?

how many hours of work or sleep are these days when more work is done than others if u miss a day what can happen

Feng’s Avatar
Feng Jul 04, 2023 860 views

Where can I find a good school for Arson Investigation ?

I live in Illinois and I don’t want to move to far from my home state but I want to be far into the woods like South Carolina with good weather and everything.

Abdulaziz’s Avatar
Abdulaziz Jul 05, 2023 968 views

What is it like working in medicine?

Hi, to any doctor reading this, I am a rising high school senior and I might be interested in medicine. I like STEM in general, and I believe I have the brains and work ethic to thrive as a doctor. I understand that perusing the path to becoming a physician is long and challenging and takes a...

Akyla’s Avatar
Akyla Jul 05, 2023 494 views

How should I progress my desired career?

How should I go about taking steps towards the career that I want later on in life? For example, I want to be a traveling nurse or a nurse of some sort, what type of things should I indulge in or paths I should take in order to succeed & make progress towards my ambition?

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Jul 05, 2023 9996 views

What is a good question to ask at an interview?

As an example, for a retail store, coffee shop, receptionist etc.

Zahra’s Avatar
Zahra Jul 05, 2023 894 views

How do you find your dream career?

I am going to be a senior and I want to know how to find a career that I won't regret 5-10 years down the line.

Edit: Thank you to everyone that has given their advice. I really appreciate it. Your answers have helped me not to stress over it as much. :)

Azeal’s Avatar
Azeal Jul 05, 2023 396 views

How early should I start looking for scholarships?

I am going to be a first generation college kid while also having a history in the foster care system. I know I will not be able to pay for college without serious debt and wanted to know if there is any way -like scholarships- to be able to go to my dream school- St. John Fisher.

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff Jul 04, 2023 461 views

How do you discover possible future careers without having to spend money?

I've found several different opportunities but many require initial investments in order to really know whether or not I would consider the job as a possible future option.

Lexy’s Avatar
Lexy Jul 04, 2023 987 views

How reliable is being an actor/actress financially ?

I've done theater for a while and have thought about pursuing it as a career but I'm worried about reliability. I really want to pursue it but I don't know all the specifics.