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Thiago Carmo’s Avatar

Thiago Carmo

Business Development | MBA
Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Kirkland, Washington
40 Answers
55097 Reads
32 Karma

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Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Apr 29, 2024 1451 views

How can you choose a business career ?

I've been having tough time making decisions

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Apr 29, 2024 612 views

How can I become a successful person in choosing Marketing and entrepreneurship as my career path?

I'm interested in opening a marketing team and also use that opportunity to leverage the skills on my personal business.

Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar Apr 24, 2024 537 views

How do you balance doing a career from college with a biology or business degree with your passion of wanting to do trades. Some summers I am doing an internship at a company but I also want to focus on trades like working on cars and concrete/laborer because it’s fun. Does anyone else have the same predicament?? #Spring24

I am currently double majoring in Business Administration and Communication Studies, and will be interning at a company for a design/marketing position. I always have the thought in the back of my mind to work in trades but feel like I should focus on my business degree. Has anyone ever done...

Md’s Avatar
Md Apr 28, 2024 1239 views

How can i make a good ielts score?

How can i make a good ielts score?

Hayjay’s Avatar
Hayjay Apr 28, 2024 465 views

What are the basic steps to follow to ensure my chosen career is successful.?

What are the basic steps to follow to ensure my chosen career is successful.

Licia’s Avatar
Licia Apr 26, 2024 947 views

How can I find a part-time job, while in high-school?

How can I find a part-time job, while in high-school, as a rising senior.

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Apr 17, 2024 903 views

How do I start looking into scholarships ?Where can I look for them?

I want to go to college and it is definitely but I also don't want to pay out of pocket if I can help it. I have good grades and some extracurriculars , would that help?

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Apr 24, 2024 3117 views

What should I know about a career in social work?

Hi :) I'm considering a career in social work and was wondering what a typical day in the life would look like. How much of it is based in technical aspects like answering emails or personal aspects like physically speaking to a client? What is something I should know if im considering a career...

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Apr 25, 2024 4489 views

Should I work full time during college?

For some background information I'm pretty broke. My family dosen't have the best circumstances and they're trying to invest in a new location for a resteraunt. I'm going to be attending Northeastern Oakland next school year and I'm wondering if I should work more than a federal work study. A...

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Apr 22, 2024 2263 views

What are some entry-level marketing internships I should apply for? Which companies are currently recruiting?

I am located in San Francisco/ San Jose Bay Area

Jhon’s Avatar
Jhon Apr 23, 2024 678 views

What can I do to continue my life career ?

Im currently an accounting student at Santa Monica College transferring to a four-year university this fall 2023. I have completed both Financial and Managerial accounting courses and information
systems courses that emphasize Microsoft Excel.

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Apr 16, 2024 951 views

How do I get into business adminstration?

I am an eleventh grader who is interested in business administration. I am active in a business club in my school and I would like to know the leads into getting into business administration in college.

Mandy’s Avatar
Mandy Apr 09, 2024 1423 views

How can a recent graduate find a job or a program that helps you experience different types of job positions with no relevant work experience?

Almost finishing the degree but realizing the career choice for this degree is not something to look forwards as a career. Wanting to find more experiences and try different job positions that is based on interest and hobbies, but the available resources do not meet requirement.

David’s Avatar
David Feb 28, 2024 388 views

How can I improve my understanding skills to become a business manager ?

I'm in 8th grade and I'm 13 years old.

harrison’s Avatar
harrison Mar 31, 2024 522 views

what career is good?

learning about career choice

Beatrice’s Avatar
Beatrice Mar 25, 2024 462 views

What steps do I need to take if I'm exploring changing jobs?

What steps do I need to take if I'm exploring changing jobs?

Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Mar 11, 2024 1835 views

What is a good way to career plan?

Who should I ask? Where to look? How to start?

Khylah’s Avatar
Khylah Feb 17, 2024 973 views

What do I do when I get there?

Hi I'm Khylah and I'm in 11th grade I'm planning on doing running start and I'm super scared if I'm being honest I don't know my path or where i should go I already have a dream college so I just need help on what classes i can take?

Marissa’s Avatar
Marissa Jan 19, 2024 952 views

What skills should I master for CMA?

I am in training for CMA and Im wondering what skills to master.

Zyaire’s Avatar
Zyaire Jan 18, 2024 2635 views

What can I do now, like joining clubs or learning new skills, to help me in the future?

"As a ninth-grader, I'm trying to figure out what I might want to do in the future. I want to make smart choices about my future career, and any advice you have would be awesome!

Zayne’s Avatar
Zayne Jan 11, 2024 3186 views

How do you find a job or an opportunity based on the skills your good at?

For example if your good at drawing how could that apply to finding the right job. more specifically without a college education. Especially if you've already graduated from high school. I've been out of school for a year now and I'm trying to figure out the right path for me

ej’s Avatar
ej Jan 10, 2024 1181 views

How can I improve my resume and portfolio for applications to jobs?

How can I improve my resume and portfolio for applications to jobs?

Ade’s Avatar
Ade Jan 09, 2024 5795 views

What is one class that can help me understand financial planning?

I am a freshman in high school. One of my favorite classes is English and world cultures, when I go to college I am thinking about taking business classes so that I could run my own business. I just wanted to know what I could do for college.

Dani’s Avatar
Dani Dec 29, 2023 2042 views

How do i find a part time job as a business owner and being a college student?

How do i find a part time job as a business owner and being a college student?

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Nov 30, 2023 663 views

How can I improve on my career?

I have always loved software engineering because my dad introduced it to me when I was 5 years old. Going through such career is really lovely.

catalina’s Avatar
catalina Nov 21, 2023 545 views

how do i get more information and classes on real estate?

to do real estate i know you have to take classes and take notes cause you will have to take a test on it to get your license for real estate

Audrena’s Avatar
Audrena Nov 21, 2023 910 views

How do I discover what I want to do for my carrer?

when I’m older,because i don’t know what I wanna do,and I’m just looking for some insight on how to figure it out

Yaineliz’s Avatar
Yaineliz Nov 21, 2023 749 views

Advise to choose a carrear?

If I like biology what career should I study? Im also interestect in veterinary and pottery?

Khloe’s Avatar
Khloe Nov 12, 2023 996 views

How did you know what career you wanted to be In?

I know a couple of things I want to be, but how do I know if any of them are the right choice?

Jasharee’s Avatar
Jasharee Nov 13, 2023 690 views

What internships can I get ?

What kind of internships can I get while in school? Can I work any internships? Is there anything I need to consider or look into while I’m in this career pathway?

Addison’s Avatar
Addison Nov 08, 2023 1448 views

I'm stuck in my math major, what should I do?

First I'll share some quick background. Currently, I'm a third-year undergrad at University and I initially declared a math major. I enjoyed calculus and all the computational math classes I have taken so far. Still, now I'm taking the more theoretical abstract math and I find that not only do...

Ulises’s Avatar
Ulises Oct 03, 2023 3574 views

What education do I need to be an a Architect?

Hi I’m a middle school student, and I live in Arizona and I would like to know how to get a job as an architect. What education do I need to be an architect how long will it take me in college/university to be an architect? What are good schools to go to for the career I want? How much will I...

Sonya’s Avatar
Sonya Nov 07, 2023 763 views

How are jobs with Linguistics major?

What can you do with a linguistics major and what types of jobs can you find?

Sonya’s Avatar
Sonya Nov 07, 2023 1236 views

What different types of jobs can you get when you're interested in Anthropology?

Interested in anthropology or anything to do with languages but I don't know if there are many jobs out thereto do with this.

Alem’s Avatar
Alem May 10, 2023 616 views

what is a common problem E-commerce brand face?

I want to know from E-commerce brand owners what problems they faced and what problems they are facing now.

Anely’s Avatar
Anely Sep 07, 2023 1167 views

How can I start looking for careers that intrest me?

University, courses, and other helpful resources.

Jean’s Avatar
Jean Jul 02, 2023 1604 views

How can I get into sports analytics?

How can I get a career in sports analytics as I am currently an unpcoming senior in highschool and that is what I want to in the future and just want some career advice

Anjali’s Avatar
Anjali Jul 01, 2023 378 views

What should I chose to become my career, professional soccer player, pilot, flight attendant, or something else?

I am a 13 year-old club soccer player, who is very diligent when it comes to soccer. But I also love aviation and bein creative. I also enjoy acting.

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Jul 01, 2023 1033 views

How can I choose a career path confidently?

How do I know what career path is going to satisfy me and support my desired lifestyle? Can I be sure I won’t become bored of a job?