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Karely’s Avatar
Karely Aug 14, 2024 1905 views

What type of internships are good for a computer science major?

I am in my second year and by the third year, if I want to be successful, I should ger an internship in order to get a job easily after I graduate

agele’s Avatar
agele Aug 14, 2024 599 views

what career can i pursue in life, i love soccer and playing video game?

i love playing video game, soccer and playing ninetendo switch

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Aug 13, 2024 893 views

Should I apply for college or enter the workforce?

I’ve been a bit anxious about the college and career path that I want to take after high school. I initially wanted to be an editor but I’m still on the fence about it. I’m also not sure if I want to go to college or try to enter the work field immediately after graduation. College applications...

Ariana’s Avatar
Ariana Aug 08, 2024 630 views

What are the most important skills I would need if I want to be a medical administrative assistant?

I know a few skills already but I wanted to know what are the top skills that I would need to excel in the career.

Weitao’s Avatar
Weitao Mar 01, 2024 948 views

What advice do you have for getting into college?

I want to be able to get into a college but I don't know what can make me more likely to get into colleges.

Greg’s Avatar
Greg Jun 03, 2024 3432 views

What careers offer the best growth? Former college and pro athlete now turning to work force. Very employable, willing to do any career as long as there is room for growth and more hands off the longer I’m into it. Not looking for a career where the more promotions I get the more hours I have to work, that doesn’t really make sense to me. Need something that can lead to a management role or entrepreneurial opportunities

Any experience or career path welcome

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Jun 03, 2024 3165 views

Why do I have to take science and math in my senior year ?

Why do I have to take science and math in my senior year? If I have already completed the necessary credit requirements. My guidance counselor said that colleges like to see that, is that true?

Emmanuel’s Avatar
Emmanuel Feb 19, 2024 704 views

What course of study in Tech should I take for interests in football right-player/coach recruitment, player performance and consultations in in-game play tactics? I'm wondering if there's a job title or tech study related to such? I'm a high school graduate, please help. Thanks

I'm a high school graduate

I notice things before it becomes general knowledge

I have passion for football being played successfully and beautifully.

Valeria’s Avatar
Valeria Jan 15, 2024 2028 views

Hello! I am a junior in high school and I would like to major in equine science to become an equine massage therapist,I was just wondering what exactly I would be doing in the day to day and what I would be studying in the day to day, If I pick this!! I was also wondering if I have to have a equine science degree to become a massage therapist or If I could do that in a separate course? Thank you so much!!

Hello! I am a junior in High school and I want to major in equine science to become an equine massage therapist,I was just wondering what exactly are the things I would be doing If I major in science?Would I have to have that degree to become a massage therapist or can I just do that course...

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Feb 16, 2024 4207 views

What can I do with a Communication Studies degree and Marketing minor?

I am interested in social media marketing and am wondering how to get started in the field ?

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Feb 16, 2024 3889 views

What is the best school to attend to study and learn about psychology?

There are a lot of schools that I know of, just don't know a specific one to attend and stay at.

Jayla’s Avatar
Jayla Feb 16, 2024 1180 views

What are the everyday tasks of an anesthesiologist ?

I want to know the daily tasks of an anesthesiologist.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Feb 17, 2024 2268 views

How to become a phlebotomist?

Tell us everything we need to do to become a phlebotomist.

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Feb 18, 2024 1000 views

What is a high paying job ?

What is a high paying job to make you very much successful in your life is a high paying job what is a high paying job what is a high paying job what is

Jay’s Avatar
Jay Feb 15, 2024 1047 views

How do I get motivated after getting burnt out?

I've been struggling to get work done, even the stuff I love doing feels like pulling teeth at this point. how do I motivate myself?