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Karin P.’s Avatar

Karin P.

Lecturer, Academic Advisor, Career Coach
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany
479 Answers
1668742 Reads
1545 Karma


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Addison’s Avatar
Addison Nov 08, 2023 1447 views

I'm stuck in my math major, what should I do?

First I'll share some quick background. Currently, I'm a third-year undergrad at University and I initially declared a math major. I enjoyed calculus and all the computational math classes I have taken so far. Still, now I'm taking the more theoretical abstract math and I find that not only do...

Aden’s Avatar
Aden Nov 08, 2023 464 views

Does a gap year really help if I don’t need to save for college?

I am a sophomore in high school and still have time to consider what I want to do, but am wondering if a gap year would help if I already don't need to save.

Caitlyn’s Avatar
Caitlyn Nov 07, 2023 1580 views

Is Occupation therapy for me?

What Job or Occupation should I go into if I enjoy kids and love helping people. I was thinking Pediatric Occupational Therapy or some type of job where I can help people. Is there something else that I would be interested in? Is there any other careers like the ones I listed? Thank you so...

Teresa’s Avatar
Teresa Nov 06, 2023 1210 views

Do you think I could still be successful in journalism if I have enough talent?

My name is Teresa. I am interested in pursuing a career in journalism because I am passionate about writing. Unfortunately, very few people read newspapers and magazines nowadays. Do you think I could still be successful if I have enough talent?

Stella’s Avatar
Stella Nov 03, 2023 1075 views

How do I really know my life long vocation ?

I don't know if I want to be a musician or be in the science fields.

Botlhokwa’s Avatar
Botlhokwa Nov 03, 2023 815 views

Can I study medicine with commercial subjects?

I really wanna be in the medical field but i went to a commercial school instead, because of money of cause. Aren't there any additional courses I can do?

Emery’s Avatar
Emery Nov 02, 2023 1535 views

Tips on high end restaurant hosting ?

I’m in need of some tips on hosting in a very high end restaurant setting, just a baby host asking for experienced customer service workers do’s and don’ts

Marla’s Avatar
Marla Sep 10, 2012 2295 views

what kind of career are there where you need math?

i'm a sophemore and i'm really good at math. I love math, but i need help finding a career that i like and that involves math. #career-options

Hunter’s Avatar
Hunter Oct 31, 2023 567 views


Where to find the best internship opportunities for historic restoration architect in high school.

Caison’s Avatar
Caison Oct 31, 2023 834 views

I am looking to start a mowing company how would I get jobs?

I'm a 15 year old with the equipment for mowing but i don't have any jobs.

Mila’s Avatar
Mila Jan 06, 2023 642 views

Any advice for a person who wants to go to music therapy college??

I'm a 19 year old and I would like to go to apply for a music therapy degree and start studying in October 2023 in Vienna.

What are some important things I should know?

Like for example about the entrance exams or about the studies in general?

I would be very grateful to read your feedback.

CAdore’s Avatar
CAdore Oct 26, 2023 1383 views

I need internships for being a vet, Any tips?

I need tips

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Apr 19, 2021 809 views

what do I need to be to be a paleontologist?

#student # #high-school-students #student-development #students

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Oct 25, 2023 2784 views

What would you recommend to someone who wants to study graphic design Like what can I expect in classes and what do I need to know/ understand before I start college (Do I need to learn to draw and paint and all that?)?

I'm not the best in drawing or painting, I just feel like I'm a creative person and with the right practice I can do what I imagine

Davina’s Avatar
Davina Oct 25, 2023 1285 views

Is becoming a neurosurgeon a good career choice?

I've been looking into it however I'm not really sure if it's what I want to do for a living due to the time I would be required to be in school and how the healthcare industry works.