Karin P.

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I'm stuck in my math major, what should I do?
First I'll share some quick background. Currently, I'm a third-year undergrad at University and I initially declared a math major. I enjoyed calculus and all the computational math classes I have taken so far. Still, now I'm taking the more theoretical abstract math and I find that not only do...

Does a gap year really help if I don’t need to save for college?
I am a sophomore in high school and still have time to consider what I want to do, but am wondering if a gap year would help if I already don't need to save.

Is Occupation therapy for me?
What Job or Occupation should I go into if I enjoy kids and love helping people. I was thinking Pediatric Occupational Therapy or some type of job where I can help people. Is there something else that I would be interested in? Is there any other careers like the ones I listed? Thank you so...

Do you think I could still be successful in journalism if I have enough talent?
My name is Teresa. I am interested in pursuing a career in journalism because I am passionate about writing. Unfortunately, very few people read newspapers and magazines nowadays. Do you think I could still be successful if I have enough talent?

How do I really know my life long vocation ?
I don't know if I want to be a musician or be in the science fields.

Can I study medicine with commercial subjects?
I really wanna be in the medical field but i went to a commercial school instead, because of money of cause. Aren't there any additional courses I can do?

Tips on high end restaurant hosting ?
I’m in need of some tips on hosting in a very high end restaurant setting, just a baby host asking for experienced customer service workers do’s and don’ts

what kind of career are there where you need math?
i'm a sophemore and i'm really good at math. I love math, but i need help finding a career that i like and that involves math. #career-options

Where to find the best internship opportunities for historic restoration architect in high school.

I am looking to start a mowing company how would I get jobs?
I'm a 15 year old with the equipment for mowing but i don't have any jobs.

Any advice for a person who wants to go to music therapy college??
I'm a 19 year old and I would like to go to apply for a music therapy degree and start studying in October 2023 in Vienna.
What are some important things I should know?
Like for example about the entrance exams or about the studies in general?
I would be very grateful to read your feedback.

what do I need to be to be a paleontologist?
#student # #high-school-students #student-development #students

What would you recommend to someone who wants to study graphic design Like what can I expect in classes and what do I need to know/ understand before I start college (Do I need to learn to draw and paint and all that?)?
I'm not the best in drawing or painting, I just feel like I'm a creative person and with the right practice I can do what I imagine

Is becoming a neurosurgeon a good career choice?
I've been looking into it however I'm not really sure if it's what I want to do for a living due to the time I would be required to be in school and how the healthcare industry works.