Carolina Undurraga
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How do I fill out a Resume?
In previous answers to my questions and applications I have filled out, they mention a resume. I've never actually filled out a Resume and do not know how to fill one out because I do not think anyone has taught me yet how and where to fill one out.
What would be your advice in the process of applying to a selective (Top 20) university?
I'm currently a junior that plans to use his summer to research colleges, their programs and explore what makes them unique.
What strategies have proven effective for professionals in your particular field to achieve long-term career success, and how can I integrate them into my own career development plan?
I am a current sophomore in high school. I enjoy helping others and am interested in doing something in law or possibly healthcare.
How long did it take to chose your career path Why did you choose it? Did you enjoy your career? Would you change your career path if you had to?
Talk about steps, interest as a child and things of that nature
How should I decide my career path What career paths pay the most??
I am a 17 year old female who is about to finish highschool. I am almost on my way to college and still don't know what I want to do. Any advice on where to start?
What is the first step when it comes to finding a good job as an teen?
I'm an teen looking to find a job so I can start making my own money
How to build ur own brand while in 10th grade?
How to build ur own brand while in 10th grade?
I am looking to start a mowing company how would I get jobs?
I'm a 15 year old with the equipment for mowing but i don't have any jobs.
How can I learn coding?
How can I learn coding as a person who had not heared of coding? such as javascript, and how can I put it in everyday life and how can It be useful to me?
How do you know what career to go learn for after high school ?
Like how do you know what career to go into which one to choose as a major for an income .