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Patrick Meyer’s Avatar

Patrick Meyer

Executive - Data Analytics and AI
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Naperville, Illinois
642 Answers
405574 Reads
1018 Karma


Civic Duty

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Amna’s Avatar
Amna Jan 20 815 views

What is the best course to study in college?

Hi, I'm 14 years old grade 9th student. I'm good in science but also interested in enterpreneur. What is the best course for me to study in college?

Amna’s Avatar
Amna Jan 20 868 views

How to choose the best career?

Hi, I'm 14 years old grade 9th student. I want to be a health worker but also interested in enterpreneur. What is the right course to offer in college?

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jan 19 2682 views

How do I fill out a Resume?

In previous answers to my questions and applications I have filled out, they mention a resume. I've never actually filled out a Resume and do not know how to fill one out because I do not think anyone has taught me yet how and where to fill one out.

Airani’s Avatar
Airani Jan 19 701 views

Is a major in education difficult in college?

I want to be an elementary school teacher.

Sophie’s Avatar
Sophie Jan 19 836 views

What are some jobs that are similar to elementary education, but involve more individual work with students?

I would prefer to work in a one-on-one setting where I could better help the student, and connect with them. I would also love something that relates to ASL.

Ty’s Avatar
Ty Jan 19 1086 views

How can I be able to choose a career when I can't be able to make decisions ?

I find it difficult to explain myself

Prathiv’s Avatar
Prathiv Jan 19 841 views

What are extracurricular activities, how would that factor into my college application?

I’m lost on what extracurricular activities are, but I’ve done some research and it talks about volunteering? My aspiration is med school, and I want a great profile for the top universities for my biochemistry undergrad. I have also enrolled in multiple competitions for research and projects...

billy’s Avatar
billy Jan 19 812 views

what is the best way to learn math ? how i can advanced in learn math online courses or other way that fits me ? why online courses is the best from other way ?

what is the best way to learn math ?
how i can advanced in learn math online courses or other way that fits me ?
why online courses is the best from other way ?

Divina’s Avatar
Divina Jan 19 1219 views

What college accepts FBI, Lawyer, and Surgeon?

What college do you believe is good for me to attend and study law. I also want to be a FBI or surgeon. So I wanted to know what college an IVY league college that accepts all these career jobs?

Marissa’s Avatar
Marissa Jan 19 510 views

What strengths would we need for CMA?

Going into CMA training

Marissa’s Avatar
Marissa Jan 19 579 views

What are day-to-day responsibilities for CMAs?

In training for CMA

Kali’s Avatar
Kali Jan 19 1004 views

Is forensic anthropology the right major for me?

Hi! I've always loved forensics and once I found forensic anthropology it seemed like a good route for me. After doing some more research I realized it requires some math skills, math is not one of my strong suits so I'm doubting my choice. What is it like to actually work with anthropology?...

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin Jan 18 564 views

How do you get started in urban development and community engagement?

I will be graduating with my B.A. in Communication in May 2024. I will also be enrolling in an MPA program this Fall.

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Jan 18 4853 views

What are some jobs you can get with a BA in Psychology after college? #Psychology #Jobs #careers?

I am a currently senior in High school in San Jose planing for the future. I plan to major in Psychology and was wondering what kind of jobs that are local to my area that revolve around this major.

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Jan 16 802 views

Where can i look for career guidance?

Kindly help me where i can check everything i need to know about career