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Esther Smith’s Avatar

Esther Smith

Senior Trainer
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
United States
28 Answers
41556 Reads
71 Karma


Civic Duty
Keira’s Avatar
Keira Jun 27, 2018 793 views

How come their are more men then women for tech jobs?

Girls can sometimes get timid and feel like they can't do the job they are tying out for because they don't understand one simple thing!!!

#tech #jobs

Angie’s Avatar
Angie Oct 27, 2016 978 views

Is it bad to change your majors even if it lands in the same category?

I want to study in the medical field. Anything from technician to nursing. What if I choose to go with nursing in a 4 year college but then regret it and change to sonography or X-ray technology? Is that possible? If so , is that okay? #nursing #college-major #technology #sonography

Anas’s Avatar
Anas Oct 25, 2017 915 views

What kind of work should i expect after applying to a PR agency as an intern?

Hello, I'm currently attending San Jose State University. I'm studying Journalism emphasis in Public Relations. I want to focus more on Tech Public Relations because that's where all the excitement is! I just wanted to know what kind of work I will be assigned to a tech PR agency as an intern....

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney May 19, 2016 1475 views

How to you manage to keep up with the ever changing industry of technology?

As time moves on, technology evolves. From going to a brick of a phone to a touch screen I phone in a short amount of time, is quite astonishing. Even going from Nintendo 64 to virtual reality games with the oculus rift, or even looking up programs to use for either editing videos or creating...

Lizbeth’s Avatar
Lizbeth Oct 20, 2017 1176 views

How much money do you earn as a teacher?

l'm asking because i want to help my parents. #teaching #teacher #teach #teacher-training #education

Cassandra’s Avatar
Cassandra May 18, 2016 914 views

if my major is elementary education would you suggest me also getting a special Ed minor?

I love special needs kids and would live to work with then but I don't want to overwhelm myself in school. #higher-education #education #teaching

D.’s Avatar
D. Sep 25, 2017 1013 views

What type of work does an education consultant do? What does the career path into education consulting typically look like?

I have background in teaching and worked a private equity role this past summer. I'd love to find a role that combines these two interests and was thinking that education consulting could be a good fit. Any personal experiences or tips would be great to hear! #education #consulting...

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin Sep 05, 2017 1417 views

How can I keep myself from being obsolete?

I am a second year student in college studying computer science looking to go into the field of software development. In the software industry, many people seem to find at least one language or skill which they've mastered completely. But with technology changing and advancing every day, what...

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Sep 01, 2017 1491 views

How often do internships turn into a full time job?

As I am looking at colleges, I keep on finding out how important internships are. A question that I have is just once in the internship, how common is it for that place to become your new workplace? If it is common, is it always better to stay with the company that you are with?...

Deanicia’s Avatar
Deanicia Oct 28, 2016 8452 views

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?

I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....

shaheen’s Avatar
shaheen May 12, 2016 885 views

How do I become an educator?

I want to educate in my career. What should I do to become an educator?

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #college #teacher #education #higher-education

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 18, 2016 723 views

Would it be recommended for someone not to graduate early because of their degree?

If I were to graduate early (studying education), I would be teaching as a 19 year old. Would anyone respect me in the work place or hire me? #teaching #education #graduating #age #age-in-the-workplace

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Oct 26, 2015 1571 views

Should I pay attention to politics, or wait to learn about them when I am older?

I think politics are interesting but I don't know if I should pay attention to them.
#education #government #politics #news

Clear’s Avatar
Clear Apr 25, 2017 1662 views

Need career guidance for a counseling career

I am a currently a sophomore marketing major. My own experience with mental health makes me want to inspire others and help them live happily. I hope to apply for mental health counseling, family and relationship therapist, social work master (even to a phd counseling psychology.) My...

sami ullah’s Avatar
sami ullah Apr 15, 2017 1423 views

Why we are studying? For knowledge or money? Why we are in depression state?

I am a university student. I observed many things like student trends about jobs and only gaining degrees. #business-development #educators #expertise #educational-leadership

Katlyn’s Avatar
Katlyn Feb 10, 2017 1018 views

Do you have to have a background check to become a teacher?

Why or why not? #teaching #teacher #education

Sharon’s Avatar
Sharon Jan 27, 2017 1350 views

What are the benefits of getting an after degree?

Lately, I have been thinking about an after degree in education (hypothetically). How would this benefit me? Does an after degree expand my career options? #career #education #career-counseling #school #interviews #degree #after-college

Lindsey ’s Avatar
Lindsey Feb 08, 2017 902 views

How much do elementary teachers make?

I'm trying to decide whether to be a highschool or elementary teacher. #teaching #education #elementary-education

adanech’s Avatar
adanech Nov 25, 2016 2089 views

When should I start investing my money or ?bounding??

I have been working a lot recent ally and I know that your supposed to start investing or share holding your money at an early age. When would be a great time? #business #education #money #economics #investment-management #business-analysis #savings #economic-research

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor May 23, 2016 973 views

Are there any fields which combine medicine and forensic science?

I am interested in both of these fields and would like to explore my options for a professional career in such. #medicine #science #education #careers #forensic #criminology #and #pathology

Sharlene’s Avatar
Sharlene Aug 13, 2016 1228 views

When it comes to going to different colleges is it more beneficial to go to a four year college or a two year college?

I'm just curious to know which one is more effective and beneficial overall. #college #education

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Jun 29, 2016 1222 views

Hi im currently a first time summer school teacher for a remedial math course, i find that a lot of my students lack the motivation to try in class or in anything at all. how do i help them

I've tried appealing to their own personal interests, and some of them can't seem to come up with any, i've offered them incentives like internship opportunities and given them talks about their future beyond high school, but everything i've tried has only had fleeting effects. can you please...

Eddie ’s Avatar
Eddie Oct 01, 2016 758 views

What do you know now that you wish you knew as a senior in college?

I have just entered my senior year in college and as graduation gets closer and closer I want to make certain that I do everything possible to help set myself up for success in life after college. Are there any professionals working in sports, marketing or public relations that have any advice...

Kristina’s Avatar
Kristina Jun 28, 2016 1173 views

Is it more important to go to a prestigious college/uni or to go to another college/uni that is more unknown, but cheaper?

What are the pros and cons of going to a prestigious college/uni (ie Ivy League)? Is it worth it? Will I be able to have the same quality of education elsewhere? #college #education #university #colleges #ivy-league

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin May 27, 2016 981 views

What do you suggest doing when the majors you're interested in are vastly different and require very different schooling?

I am interested in early education or being a pediatrician. I do not know what type of schooling I'll be able to afford and do not have enough basis to make a decision likely until a few years into college. Unfortunately, these two majors seem to require extremely different schooling and I do...

emmanuelle’s Avatar
emmanuelle May 24, 2016 807 views

what career could be right for me?

Hi, I am almost bilingual French (made in France) /English. I am pursuing a degree in early childhood education, and hope to be working in immersion programs. I would like to know which requirements I need for this career. #education #foreign-languages #early-childhood-education

Aukai’s Avatar
Aukai Aug 22, 2016 1624 views

Being a philosophy major is something of interest to me but I often hear that it is useless when working- how do I get the most out of a philosophy class and at was school to make it worth it?

I am interested in studying philosophy but don't want to major in something that will make it hard for me to get a job. People say it can be useful if done right- how do I do it right? #education #university #higher-education #consulting #philosophy

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly May 02, 2016 3601 views

What is the best technology to use to stay organized?

I am in high school and have a really hard time staying organized. Especially when it comes to doing big projects or studying for tests. I'm trying to find out what others have done to stay organized in school or a job. Do you have recommendations on technology tools/programs I should use?...