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Mauricio Chaves’s Avatar

Mauricio Chaves

Interior Designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Doorn, Netherlands
37 Answers
48540 Reads
52 Karma

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Cheeky’s Avatar
Cheeky Feb 08 1662 views

If AI is taking over the world, do I need to double check my career options? (You know, entertainment industry, arts, lit.)

Kinda worried... About my singularity and existence.

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Feb 18 670 views

I have a question for Interior designers what is your favorite part of the job?

I am Andrea I am in 6th grade

rina’s Avatar
rina Feb 16 1480 views

Art or Design technology IGSCE?

so in my school, we have art and DT (design technology) as separate IGCSES, i want to be an architect/interior designer, technically, taking DT would be more useful and easier for me to take rather than art/both. i just want to know since im not entirely sure if it is necessary for unis n stuff!

Janet’s Avatar
Janet Jan 31 475 views

What do you enjoy most about interior design?

I wanted to know what different things people enjoy while working as an interior desgin

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Dec 19, 2024 496 views

How to become a personal shopper?

Tell us everything we need to know to become a personal shopper!

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

Jaylen’s Avatar
Jaylen Dec 11, 2024 628 views

How can I choose a good college option for interior design? Can I also have a course for event planning while in college?

Hello, I am looking for colleges for interior design that are available for me to come over and visit the campus. I am in Colorado and a Junior in high school currently. I want to know if I can also take a course so I can start party planning while in college.

Thank you.

Ahnna’s Avatar
Ahnna Dec 11, 2024 1000 views

What skills and or classes do interior designers need?

What I'm asking about is what skills are needed to become an interior designer. Are there any specific classes I should take, or certain colleges

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Dec 09, 2024 766 views

How reliable is getting jobs with online certificates?

At the moment I'm working as a web page designer using WordPress for Northeastern University. If I wanted to expand my skills and do the Google UX design certification, how well would that boost my credentials if I wanted to do a UX design job? I'm a business major concentrating in MIS and...

Moses’s Avatar
Moses Nov 29, 2024 1179 views

Should I major in Graphic Design?

I'm very interested in the arts and I'm wondering: Would I find any success in majoring in graphic design in college? #college #design #career

Cece’s Avatar
Cece Aug 16, 2024 2329 views

My college doesn’t offer interior design focused majors or courses. Would a concentration in Digital Design be a useful fit for this career field ?

I’m currently attending the City College of New York with a major in Art. The other concentrations offered to me among digital design were studio art, photography, and art education. I picked digital Design thinking it would be the best fit but I’m having doubts. I just want to feel confident...

olivia’s Avatar
olivia Oct 30, 2024 681 views

Im interested in a degree in landscape architecture what degree do I need that would also possibly work for a design major ?#Fall24

would potentially like a job in design and design houses and yards, or potentially design commercial buildings and surroundings

Tanisha’s Avatar
Tanisha Nov 22, 2024 1001 views

hey , im currently in 11th and im thinking of pursuing interior designing. but recently real estate piqued my interest.. so like designing is my dream and now i want to do something in real estate as well.. im just very confused that if i should do these both together or not.. i do want to earn good money but i wanna enjoy and live my life as well.. is it a good idea that i pursue interiors and real estate together?

I enjoy creating designs and I have creativity I think... and I'm yearning to be a good businesswoman

Alaina’s Avatar
Alaina Nov 04, 2024 971 views

Hi there! What are the steps to become an Interior Designer?

I'm a Junior in Highschool and am working towards becoming an interior designer! I would first like to get an internship right out of school then start working with a company. But I want to be sure that I'm actually taking the necessary steps towards my goal...advice would be great! (tests,...

K’s Avatar
K Jun 10, 2024 1132 views

How did you start making art?

How did you start making art?

Anita’s Avatar
Anita May 21, 2024 865 views

What is the important things you need to know about interior designing?

Where should you begin?