Vera Vetter
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Preparing for the future: What Skills and Knowledge Will Keep Us Relevant and Competitive ?
With the rapid rise of AI and automation, what critical skills do you think are essential to stay relevant in the workforce, and how would you design a college course to prepare students for the future of work? Why would this course be essential for today’s students? #Fall24

How do you find the perfect first job after graduation?
Specifically, if someone is interested in entrepreneurship, business management, and needs to start small in order to go big in their career

Career paths that I can combine?
I’m passionate about climate change and technology. What careers could combine these interests?

How Do You Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance in This Industry ?
What strategies have worked for you to manage both professional and personal priorities effectively?

What have I Do So I Can Prepare For The Workplace?
What have I Do So I Can Prepare For The Workplace?

How do you know what companies do you want to go into?
I have no idea what companies I want to intern or get a job on. I want to work with startups and great company culture. What is your dream company and why?

What can I do to change careers into tech with no experience?
I have no experience and no education in computer science but I'm miserable at my job and I find computers fascinating I've applied to over 100 jobs that are listed as "entry level" or "no experience required" and I'm either ghosted or turned down, what can I do to get my foot in the door?

As a high school senior, I would like to start my tech newsletter should I do it?
In 2022, I saw a video on YouTube about a guy who created an app like Fiverr, but just for developers. It was called CoffeeDev, and I really liked the idea. A few months later, I made a Discord server with the same name, thinking I could turn it into something big. But I got too busy with...

Interned at Google as a Product Manager and wonder switching my career role
Interned at Google and a couple of startups and realized that product management framework isn't something tangible where it's not an essential skillset needed in a startup. I'd like to be a person who's absolutely needed with tangible skill sets. Talked with a few product managers who've...

How could I boost my CV to become a product manager eventually?
I've always thought of becoming a strategy consultant, though I fear the opportunity has passed. Lately, I have come to know of product management and took on a course with Udacity and loved it. However, I am really not sure how to get into it from where I am at as there do not seem to be entry...

What's the difference, Project vs Program management?
They sound like the same thing. They're different words but.....IDK. It's confusing lol. Please explain.

To be a product manager, do you have to know some basic CS skills?
#computer-science #product-manager #technology #management #knowledge

How to become a Product Manager?
Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Product Manager?
Note: Given the growing interest in the product management field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.