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Allen Hillery’s Avatar

Allen Hillery

Consumer Insights Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
30 Answers
47488 Reads
116 Karma


Civic Duty
dat’s Avatar
dat Jan 17, 2018 876 views

What is the level of difficulty I am willingly to face to get what I want?

I am a university student with computer science as my major at CSUS, and I am planning to transfer to UNR with a 3.1 GPA. I do well on programming assignments but when I face a difficult program, I question myself if I am good enough for a degree in computer science and for the high demanding...

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jan 17, 2018 2423 views

What are some good ways to study Computer Science?

#women-in-tech #technology #computer-science #computer-engineering

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Jan 18, 2018 791 views

Does it really matter where I go to school for a computer science degree?

I want to get a bachelor's degree in computer science and a master's degree in something in that field, but a little more specific. Does it really matter where I go for my bachelor's?
#technology #computer-science #college #college-major

Naomi’s Avatar
Naomi Jan 19, 2018 1024 views

Technology is moving at a fast pace. Will my education today support the technology of the future, or will technology replace the education I am working towards?#technology

I am wondering if technology will soon replace people in the job market. Will jobs become more scarce in particular job sectors?#technology

Quinton’s Avatar
Quinton Jan 19, 2018 681 views

What kind of jobs can be landed with a Computer Science degree?

I'm planning on going to a smallish school to study Computer science (as I've been interested in computers my entire life). I've read piece about how people have jobs as software engineers and it sounds like the dream job for me. Basically, my question is what all types of jobs open up with a...

William’s Avatar
William Jan 20, 2018 955 views

Would it be more benificial to earn a minor in communications rather than a minor in computer science

I'm a Business Management major and have aspirations of becoming a CEO on day. With technology becoming a growing trend in today's society, would communications or computer science be a more beneficial minor for a possible CEO of a technology/technological sales company #future #ceo #technology...

Angie’s Avatar
Angie Oct 27, 2016 1162 views

Is it bad to change your majors even if it lands in the same category?

I want to study in the medical field. Anything from technician to nursing. What if I choose to go with nursing in a 4 year college but then regret it and change to sonography or X-ray technology? Is that possible? If so , is that okay? #nursing #college-major #technology #sonography

Noah’s Avatar
Noah May 13, 2016 1289 views

Are job opportunities in the field of marketing and design increasing or decreasing.

I am interested in marketing and design but want to make sure that there will be employment opportunities when I am done with college. #marketing #design #busines #skiing

Steven’s Avatar
Steven Apr 01, 2017 1712 views

Should i only take marketing internship for a marketing major?

I am currently majoring in Marketing. I am planning to do summer internships. Should i apply for other types of internships (like finance or sales) other than marketing? or should i just stick to marketing internships? If i should apply for others, what internship should i apply for that would...

Mounia’s Avatar
Mounia Feb 09, 2017 2117 views

What are the best ways to network?

I'm wondering what are the most effective methods of networking? Is volunteering the best or are informational interviews with professionals in my field of choice? I want to gain a network before applying for grad school and find a mentor. #graduate-school #volunteering #networking #mentoring...

Tristan’s Avatar
Tristan Feb 09, 2017 1608 views

What jobs are good for an electrical or mechanical engineer?

I want to have a good job with engineering. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #electrical-engineering

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jan 29, 2017 1594 views

How is best to make your resume stand out when applying for a job or internship? Should your skills or education go on top.

I am Junior in Queens College majoring in Psychology with a minor in Honor Business and Liberal Arts. #career #management #career-counseling #marketing #career-choice #marketing-and-advertising

Brook’s Avatar
Brook May 13, 2016 1535 views

What kind of skills do you need to do well in majoring marketing/advertisment?

I want to know if I have what it takes and if it's for me. #college #career #marketing #job #advertising

Ben ’s Avatar
Ben Sep 12, 2016 1763 views

If I switched my major from Econ to Advertising. Would this increase or decrease my chances a getting a good job after college? I would love to hear from professionals in the Advertising and Marketing industries.

I am currently an Economics major and an Advertising minor. However I was thinking of switching those around to a Major in Advertising and a minor in Economics. I am interested in working in the marketing and/or advertising industry but I am open to working other industries (business...

Alejandro’s Avatar
Alejandro Oct 25, 2016 2167 views

Does studying marketing benefit me?

i want to know if it is important to study marketing especially if i want to study business #finance #marketing