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sofia c’s Avatar

sofia c

Chicago, Illinois
32 Answers
2603 Reads
1 Karma

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Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 06, 2023 427 views

What is it like to be a theology teacher?

What is it like to be a Catholic Highschool Theology Teacher? I am thinking about going into theology but i am not sure what is the best way to reach that goal.

Nataza’s Avatar
Nataza Sep 12 358 views

how do I make a game?

how do I start on my game

Lillian’s Avatar
Lillian Sep 13 418 views

I want a scholarship to MIT for engineering, what can I do to help work towards that?

I enjoy maths, but not reading, I want to be an part time actress and an engineer to accomplish both of my dreams.

sophia’s Avatar
sophia Jun 12, 2023 251 views

how good of scholarships does the university of Kansas offer?

What are good scholarships to apply for the University of Kansas?

Katelynn’s Avatar
Katelynn Mar 19, 2018 847 views

How can I get more financial aid?

My family is middle class so we aren't able to qualify for any extra money, and we have bad credit, so we aren't able to apply for any loans. Any suggestions besides scholarships? #financial-services #money

Cam'ron’s Avatar
Cam'ron May 11, 2023 976 views

What are the pros and cons of being a real estate agent on a day-to-day basis in New York City?

Cam'ron, age 18

harleigh’s Avatar
harleigh Jul 03, 2023 574 views

Whats the difference between an acting school and a normal university?

Is there a major difference between the 2 when trying to pursue acting?

Gwen’s Avatar
Gwen Mar 14, 2016 1239 views

How did you get your first job managing investments without having real experience?

It seems like every job requires previous experience. How does anyone ever get started the first time? It seems like a catch 22. #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Kirstyn’s Avatar
Kirstyn Sep 08 403 views

how i know what i have to learn ?

how i know what i have to learn ?

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Aug 29 282 views

How does one become a CEO for a company

I am a 8 grader in middle school I am interested in becoming a CEO for any company

My questions to become a
CEO is

What does someone do to be something like that

What are the cons and pros of being a CEO

And what is the average salary for a CEO for any company

Empress’s Avatar
Empress Mar 24 661 views

Can I be apart of a college dance team and still attend law school?

I am in my junior year of high school and I really enjoy dance. I would love to go into the entertainment industry, but I know it is not the most realistic pathway and I've always bean interested in law. So the high school I attend to now offers college course classes and as long as you are...

John’s Avatar
John Sep 09 459 views

being a lawer.

how mutch mouney does a lawer make a year?

evalyn’s Avatar
evalyn Sep 29, 2023 673 views

What do you love about being a hairstylist?

Why do I wanna be a hairstylist? Because I love doing hair since I was little

Admin's note: The question was listed twice so the main question was updated to get Professionals' perspectives.

Nick’s Avatar
Nick May 16, 2023 837 views

How much is a Real Estate Agent making?

I am doing a high school project and need your guys help. I want to become a real estate agent but I need advice from one of you guys like what do you guys do in a day of your lifes or would you recommend this pathway to a young one like me?

Mary-Elex’s Avatar
Mary-Elex Oct 18, 2022 1400 views

Interior design.

How do you start your own business in designing right after you graduate for college? And how do you find all of the resources you need to start a business, and bring clients in?