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Iryna Tam’s Avatar

Iryna Tam

Writer, copywriter
Hagerstown, Maryland
188 Answers
52369 Reads
221 Karma


Civic Duty

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Celine’s Avatar
Celine Nov 28 391 views

what are the steps to take to be successful in career?

what are the steps to take to be successful in career?

Jade’s Avatar
Jade Nov 27 467 views

how to handle yourself when you have stress?

my name is Jade

Samira’s Avatar
Samira Nov 28 750 views

What is important for me to do, in order to get selected to Columbia University?

By this question of mine I mean to what type of volunteer activities should I give my time and what subject in school is really important for me if I want to study Law and Political science there?

Atom’s Avatar
Atom Nov 27 150 views

What are the key factors influencing consumer purchasing decisions in the current market ?

What are the key factors influencing consumer purchasing decisions in the current market?

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Nov 27 417 views

How to become successful in life?

Site to earn earn more money

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Nov 27 676 views

what career can i do if i can't be a nurse?

what career can i do if i can't be a nurse?

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Nov 27 565 views

How can i get a law degree?

How can i get a law degree?

starlone’s Avatar
starlone Nov 27 512 views

how can i become a secondary school teacher?

secondary school teacher

Johnson’s Avatar
Johnson Nov 26 393 views

what do i do to be a pilot since i am still in high school?

what do i do to be a pilot since i am still in high school?

Purity’s Avatar
Purity Nov 25 396 views

How can I be an accountant?

I would like to be an accountant . I inquire what is expected of me in order to achieve this dream . I also would like to know the grades that I should have in order to become an accountant.thank you

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Nov 25 1068 views

what is a career in chemical engineering and how to achieve it?

I realized I didn't know as much as I thought I did about careers.

jimmy’s Avatar
jimmy Nov 25 437 views

why is a macbook the best?

why is a macbook the best?

Allyson’s Avatar
Allyson Oct 28 466 views

How did you get in to the field of Sonography ?

Hi everyone! My name is Ally I am a College student who is looking for someone who specializes in the field of Sonography to answer a couple questions! How did you get involved with the field? What steps would you suggest someone take to pursue a position in this field? What are typical...

Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl Oct 28 482 views

Where/how to do lessons while being safe?

I live in Hawaii. Anyone who has ever watched "The Sound of Freedom" knows that looking for a teaching place or even a website to learn or do something can be shady or scary to find/be in. Any tips on how to find the right one? I want to look for places or teaching websites that can teach me...

Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl Nov 04 924 views

Should I pursue a New Highschool?

The high school i'm currently assigned to has none of the art electives I'm looking for to become a producer for my own show (see my description for my future careers). Any High school ideas I should look at? I'm in 8th grade right now. I live in Hawaii.