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Rachel Kindrick’s Avatar

Rachel Kindrick

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations - Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
4 Answers
741 Reads
1 Karma

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William’s Avatar
William Feb 25 330 views

What are some jobs with pretty good pay but also allow for time off and shorter working hours? ?

I am a sophomore in high school and looking for a job that has good pay but also doesn't require long working hours.

Cheeky’s Avatar
Cheeky Feb 22 1583 views

If I go into the culinary field, do I still have to learn all the science-y stuff, or can I just focus on making the best food ever ?

I just need to know… if I go into the culinary field, do I still have to learn all the science-y stuff… or can I just focus on making the best food ever…? Because if I have to do chemistry and all that… I fear I may not make it… my soul is weak… my spirit fading… my dreams slipping away like a...

Lindsey’s Avatar
Lindsey Feb 21 485 views

I'm currently working as a pastry chef and I don't like the work environment. There is no room for my creative input. I graduated from culinary school and went into the culinary field because I love creating my own recipes and sharing them with others. I want to work with food but I don't want to be confined to making recipes that are not mine or even partially my own. What should I do?

I know I have to gain experience, but I want to work somewhere where career goals and creativity are encouraged.

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Feb 28 1517 views

Which job is right for me to have to gain experience but mainly just to earn a steady income for a year?

Hi! I am doing community college for a year before transferring to a university (the goal is to save up money). If i want to be an event planner (preferably in the entertainment area), what is a good job for me to have this next year in order to possibly gain experience but also just have a...