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Sir Flyer’s Avatar

Sir Flyer

Design, Entertainment and sport coaching
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Zürich, Switzerland
18 Answers
14904 Reads
33 Karma


Citizen Patrol
Civic Duty

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Elayna’s Avatar
Elayna Feb 25 520 views

How should I go about getting a summer job-shadow in High School?

I'd like to apply for a job-shadow this summer and don't know where to start. I'd just like to learn the basics of a few jobs I'm interested in and see if I'd actually like to pursue them in the future. Any tips?

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Feb 25 201 views

What is the best way to make as much money as possible right out of high school?

What is the best way to make as much money as possible right out of high school to help prepare for college/future career?

William’s Avatar
William Feb 25 2039 views

How can I balance completing my goals with my own personal activities and lifestyle?

I am sophomore and I am looking to accomplish major goals in my life. Although, I still would like to have personal freedom in doing things I like to do such as baseball, the gym, relationships with others, and focusing on my religion. What are some good ways to balance my personal life and my...

Arihant’s Avatar
Arihant Feb 24 1697 views

Finance Vs Engineering?

All I want to do is make money. I know it sounds shallow but what would you recommend is a more lucrative field. I'm going towards finance but I think engineering makes more money. Also what type of engineering would make the most money?

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Feb 22 1747 views

What are the steps to applying to Veterinary School ?

I am a sophomore in college, a Biology major and prevet student.

Arihant’s Avatar
Arihant Feb 23 1293 views

Finance Program Credibility

Is (Fordham University: Finance Institute: Wall Street in the Classroom) a reputable pre-college program that could help me with college admissions? If it isn't could anyone help me with programs that are reputable and can help(preferably without too big of a price tag)

Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan Feb 18 1611 views

How do you go about reading language documentation?

A common piece of advice given to understand and write code is to read the documentation or library. However, when I try to get started, there's a lot of information to get through and I don't know where to navigate to. Another related question is, is it better to read through the documentation...

Paul’s Avatar
Paul Feb 20 1240 views

jobs near Ewing nj

freshman business major looking for part time job

Gavin’s Avatar
Gavin Feb 18 650 views

How can I accomplish my goals while maintaining balance in my life?

I am busy with sports like basketball and golf, but I still want to get good grades, enjoy family time, and also have some time to myself.

Kaleb’s Avatar
Kaleb Feb 12 962 views

questions for gym coaches?

1. Can you tell me about the types of tasks you are responsible for on a day-to-day basis? 2. What do you enjoy most about your career? 3. What is most challenging about your career? 4. What are some skills and personality traits necessary to perform your job? 5. What are some...

Nyah’s Avatar
Nyah Feb 11 839 views

What made you start this job?

Question writing tips.

Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin Feb 12 503 views

Do you have to go to the university for be a baseball player in the MLB??

I'm a 6th grade baseball player.

Zoey’s Avatar
Zoey Feb 14 1059 views

Why is a healthy work-life important?

How should I separate my work life and my life?

Haley’s Avatar
Haley Feb 14 746 views

Why should collage athletes not be paid?

Doing an assignment for school

Élia’s Avatar
Élia Feb 03 302 views

What is your salory when you are a gymnast coach?

I ask this question for a gymnast