Alex Shapero

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Neuroscientist or something else
Since 2k16 I've been having interest about the brain and its capacity.And want to see it work with my own eyes #english #neuroscience

Is becoming a foreign language teacher easier than becoming an English teacher?
I am interested in becoming a either a foreign language teacher or possibly teaching English and am wondering if there is a bigger process you must go through to teach a subject like Mathematics or Science than to be a foreign language teacher. #foreign-languages

Are there a lot of opportunities in Neuroscience research?
That is the field I am studying. #neuroscience

Do Canadian Universities take into consideration the SAT?
If I take my SAT do Canadian universities use it as a big factor of admission or do they not care as much? What are other big factors that Canadian universities take into consideration for admission?

How do I move forward in life?
I'm at a point in my junior year of high school where everything about college, career, and life feels way too serious. I honestly don't know what to do with myself. For some reason, there seem to be too many options after high school, and I'm not even sure where to start with college...

How to do maintain a good balance between your personal and professional life?
I want to know more about how to maintain a balance as an adult with a career.

Is being a chef stable job?
I am curious if being a chef would get me a stable life.

Is it better to minor in French?
I am already fluent in Spanish, but have only taken French in high school.
#french #college-minor #spanish #foreign-languages

How do i get into being a teacher freshly out of highschool ?
I would love to be a history teacher but Im scared of the process since I dont know much about it.

If I want to change my major in college, what requirements and qualifications I usually need?
For the choice of major I may have a period to explore my interested in practice before I find out what direction I really want to study. What should I prepare for if this happens?