Mireia’s Career Goals
Becoming a positive influence in other's life whether it be through healing them as a nurse, educating them as a teacher, or helping them work towards a smile they're confident about as an orthodontist.

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How do you survive medical/dental school?
I've heard that medical/dental school is extremely stressful. #medical-education #medical-school #dental-school #medicine #dentistry #orthodontist #higher-education #college #specialty

Do you recommend getting a degree in an international school?
I'm asking because I'm wondering if the U.S. would recognize the degree when I come back. For example, if I went to dental school in Spain would I be able to work as a dentist here? #international #international-affairs #study-abroad #overseas-study #dental-school #dentistry #dentist...

What is a "residency"?
Was researching different orthodontic career paths and I came across this word. #medicine #orthodontist #dentistry #career #career-counseling #career-advice #career-choice #medical-education #dental-school #dental-practice #career-path #job #jobs #dental-practice

What are the best jobs for college students looking to pay for tuition?
I'm asking because college is expensive and I'm wondering if there are any jobs out there that are perfect for busy full-time students besides work study. Preferably anything online. Personal experience is super helpful. I appreciate the guidance. #college-jobs #college #college-advice...

Would you recommend graduating early in college if you have all the credits?
My fields of study may require lots of graduate school so is there a way to shorten the time I'm working towards a bachelor's? If so, how? And is that recommended? I really appreciate personal experience and guidance. #college #college-advice #higher-education #colleges #college-major...

What path do you take to become an orthodontist?
Also, about how long does it take? Thank you! #orthodontist #teeth #dentistry #dental-hygienist #dental-practice #career #career-choice #career-counseling #job-search #career-path #careers #job #college #college-major #college-advice #college #college-admissions #college-major #college-advice...

What are some tips for excelling on the DAT (Dental Admissions Test)?
#orthodontist #teeth #dentistry #dental-hygienist #dental-practice #career #career-choice #career-counseling #job-search #career-path #careers #job #college #college-major #college-advice #college #college-admissions #college-major #college-advice #biochemistry #biology #chemistry #dental-practice

What does a day in the life of an orthodontist look like?
#orthodontist #teeth #dentistry #dental-hygienist #dental-practice #career #career-choice #career-counseling #job-search #career-path #careers #job #college #college-major #college-advice #college #college-admissions #college-major #college-advice #biochemistry #biology #chemistry #day-in-the-life

What are some tips for getting into dental school?
#orthodontist #teeth #dentistry #dental-hygienist #dental-practice #career #career-choice #career-counseling #job-search #career-path #careers #job #college #college-major #college-advice #college #college-admissions #college-major #college-advice #biochemistry #biology #chemistry...

What are some of the best things to major in if you want to become an orthodontist?
#orthodontist #teeth #dentistry #dental-hygienist #dental-practice #career #career-choice #career-counseling #job-search #career-path #careers #job #college #college-major #college-advice #college #college-admissions #college-major #college-advice #biochemistry #biology #chemistry

What career path did you take to achieve your job?
#career #careers #career-counseling #jobs #accounting #auditing #sales #marketing #business #math #science #career-choice #pediatric-nursing #nursing #registered-nurses #doctor #veterinary #teacher #teachers #teacher-training #higher-education #college #college-advice #education #educator...

Which job would you recommend more- becoming a dentist or an orthodontist? Why?
#orthodontist #teeth #dentistry #dental-hygienist #dental-practice #career #career-choice #career-counseling #job-search #career-path #careers #job #college #college-major #college-advice

What does a day in the life of a Physician's Assistant look like?
#medicine #physician-assistant #physician #career #career-counseling #stem #women-in-stem #career-choice #college #college-major #college-advice #career-development #career-path #career-paths #jobs #careers #doctor #science #biology #chemistry -practice -education

When are the best times to schedule college classes?
I'm a senior in high school and I've heard that it's not a good idea to take 8:00 A.M. classes in college. Is this true? If so, why and what are the best times to schedule classes to help me stay focused. I would really appreciate personal experiences and the guidance! #career #careers...

What are some of the most flexible majors?
#career #careers #career-counseling #jobs #accounting #auditing #sales #marketing #business #math #science #career-choice #pediatric-nursing #nursing #registered-nurses #doctor #veterinary #teacher #teachers #teacher-training #higher-education #college #college-advice #education #educator...