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Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Jan 08 782 views

What is a labor and delivery nurse?

Do labor and delivery nurses have to deal
With bad smells

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Jan 08 1150 views

How can I choose the course to study at my higher level of studies?

I am an highschool student, I keep on cracking jokes, doing some songs to my friends and also younger children,they do laugh and enjoy my company.

Melin’s Avatar
Melin Jan 08 821 views

How do I start little in my career of k-pop ?

Ive taken Michelle Marrota s advice.So how do i start little in kpop .I have a few ideas,first of all me and my friends have a k-pop group called high up and it consist of 5 of my friends who like k-pop i have 53 friends in total but only 5 of them like k-pop.I just wrote a song called LOL...

Shyanne’s Avatar
Shyanne Jan 08 571 views

As a 10th grader how could I reach a goal if my school can't help me?

How would I as a 10th grade student achieve me becoming a doctor l. I've always dreamed of being a doctor but my school doesn't have any classes we're we are learning that kind of stuff is there like a after school thing anywhere that I could sign up ?

sam’s Avatar
sam Jan 08 868 views

how to sign up for college?

how to sign up for college? I when to go to college but I do not know what to do and I do not know how to sing up for college can you help me

Tom’s Avatar
Tom Jan 08 1041 views

Should I go to college or get a job after graduation?

Is it better to go to school after high school or to immediately get a job when i graduate from highschool? I want to be a mechanic when I get older and i dont know.

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Jan 08 2235 views

Is a Business Major a good fit?

Hi, I am a junior in High school looking at graduating with an Associate's and hoping to nail down a major. I previously thought about psychology or creative writing but they don't feel like the right fit. I really enjoy writing and want to find a job I can be creative with. I also want a...

praewa’s Avatar
praewa Jan 07 497 views

what should i do with my future ?

I graduated from high school in Thailand and moved to Germany almost two years ago I studied German for about 6-7 months. now I do ausbildung as a dentist's assistant. Ausbildung is a vocational training program in Germany. I've been doing it for 5 months now. The problem is that the language...

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jan 07 452 views

What course should I choose at higher level of study ?

I love doing jokes to friends🫣,story telling and even involving friends in discussion about trendy issues. However have never thought how I can't turn it to career choice .

Renata’s Avatar
Renata Jan 07 409 views

What are somethings that I must do after my 18th birthday?

There are certain things that I know I should do like getting a credit card, but what other things and how can I accoplish them?

Alejandra’s Avatar
Alejandra Jan 06 1038 views

Where should I start if I want to earn money by selling my art?

I'm a 19 year old high school graduate, I love to create art, I'm a self taught artist. I'm saving up money to be able to pay for college, but what I earn is not enough. I want to sell my art but don't know where to start.

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Jan 07 722 views

How do you recommend making friends in college?

I'm starting college in a few months and I've unfortunately been friendless throughout high school. This has mainly been due to social anxiety and lack of social skills.

Melin’s Avatar
Melin Jan 07 1374 views

How can I convince my parents to let me be a kpop idol ?

Im obsessed with k-pop and im planning to audition on J.Y.P entertainment for dance and rap maybe visuals.But the problem is my parents.They kinda want me to be a doctor instead because that was my dream job 2 years ago,I wouldnt have said that i was only 8 and i didnt even know k-pop that...

kyilynni’s Avatar
kyilynni Jan 06 1156 views

What hbcu should I go to?

My name is Kyilynni and I am in 10th grade. I wanted to get another opinion on what college I should go to. I want to strictly go to a HBCU because I feel like I would get a better experience going to one.

Lily’s Avatar
Lily Jan 05 890 views

I have to take fine arts at my school, but which should I choose if I want to be a doctor? Does it matter at all?

My school has a fine arts requirement to graduate. I would like to become a doctor and am not very interested in art. What genre of classes are best for my situation? My school offers choir, band, orchestra, theatre arts, visual arts, dance, technical theatre, and art history at various levels...