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Emily’s Avatar
Emily Feb 09 1121 views

Is Counseling and Therapy The Same?

My Name is Emily and I want to be a Marriage/Family Therapist One Day. I was just wondering if counseling and Therapy are the same because I am having trouble comparing and Contrasting the two.

brianna’s Avatar
brianna Feb 09 2527 views

Can I still get into a prestigious college without extracurriculars?

I don't do any sports or clubs, but I still want to get into a prestigious college, is that possible?

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Feb 09 856 views

Can I work on independent research while not being a high school student?

My country’s academic system is different than the US. So, I have already graduated and I’m 18 still not in university, but I really want to do an independent research project and try to get it published somewhere. Is it possible or legitimate for me to do it on my own without teachers or help...

Sami’s Avatar
Sami Feb 08 850 views

What are any recommendations for young artists trying to make a profit?

Hi everyone! I am a 19 yr old female college student. I want to be able to profit off my art but don’t know where or how to start. I feel quite unfulfilled with my life and the fields I’m going towards in college. I have recently undergone a lot of personal growth and am a bit stuck because I...

jaime’s Avatar
jaime Feb 08 704 views

how can i improve my singing voice?

i love singing but sometimes i feel like my voice dose not sound right or am changing my voice to much that it sounds weird so please help me

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Feb 08 761 views

How can I try out farming?

I am in high school and I don't know if I want to go into farming yet so I would like to have a bit of experience in it before I peruse it as my career. I am wondering if there are places that hire kids for a summer job, just to help them get experience.

Wyatt’s Avatar
Wyatt Feb 08 1006 views

How do I get a movie in theaters?

How do I get a movie in theaters?

Bill’s Avatar
Bill Feb 07 779 views

How do I become an illustrator with the least amount of college?

How do I become an illustrator with the least amount of college?

Wyatt’s Avatar
Wyatt Feb 08 423 views

How much is the pay of an average criminal attorney?

In the Mid-West what is the average pay of a criminal-law attorney?

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Feb 07 565 views

Hello I am a young adult (21) and I need help finding a career for me?

I’m looking for a career that I can, enjoy and make a healthy living off of I enjoy, quantum physics, and astronomy, but I also enjoy computer science and general script writing. I am having a hard time figuring out where to go in life and what to do if anyone has any good ideas I would really...

Kaylee’s Avatar
Kaylee Feb 07 880 views

I’m interested in learning about what A Day in the Life was like for a Film maker?

I’m interested in learning about what A Day in the Life was like for a film maker. So far I have learned that the people tend to collab to have films done faster , but I would also like to know how this can affect the way the film looks/feels.

Maddox’s Avatar
Maddox Feb 07 429 views

How do I fine where to go to college?

I like science and math and hate english. I want a job that I will enjoy in life

Addy’s Avatar
Addy Feb 07 1567 views

What are some good colleges that can help me become a Dermatologist ?

I know I will need to go to college to pursue this career. I was wondering if there were any colleges in particular that I should look at?

George’s Avatar
George Feb 07 811 views

Do I have to go to college to become a crane operator?

I am interested in being a crane operator, and want to learn more about it and what I can do and, who much money I could earn.

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Feb 07 1498 views

Applying multiple times for a same university is ok?

I am unsure on whether I will be starting on spring or fall term, I want to know if that is okay or even possible.