Sam Hsu
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what inspires you?
my mother inspires me everyday because she tells me that i have the potential to do anything. she never fails to understand me or support me. she is my role model and with her by my side, i CAN do anything.

When did you know what you really wanted to be?
I think I want to be an engineer but im not completely sure. How will I know if ths job is right for me? #engineer

How can I become a Skateboarding Model for a skateboarding Brand.
How much years do you have to spend studying and how much can you get paid?
Do you think this is a good job topic?
Why or Why not?
#For you

Is getting straight A's a good way to get a good scholarship ? And what if you were to have one B ? Would that effect your chance to recieve a scholarship . Also what kind of scholarships could you get that would be very beneficial ?
I want to be an orthopedic surgeon which will require 4 years of undergraduate, 4 years of medical school, and up to 5 years of residency. So I know it will be very important to get a scholarship and I would appreciate your advice and opinions. #scholarship #college #financial-aid #university...

If you were your own manager for one day, what would you change?
If you were in charge of the department you work in for one day, what would you do differently? Would it be something with the actual work you do, or the place you work in? Thanks for your time! #career-choice #change-management #project-management #professional-training #computer-software...

What skills are helpful to have for criminal justice/law enforcement? #justice
I am a hard working individual and love to help people. #criminal-justice #criminology #law

What qualities are most look for in this career?
Determined, hard working, funny. #career

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?
I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....

What are some great locations for Culinary students to be in that cultivate a great learning environment, exciting experience and plentiful job opportunities.
The program I am in offers Advance Culinary Training in locations like Exeter, Rhode Island; Bangor, Maine; San Francisco, California and Laurel, Maryland. #culinary #chef

How do I start a conversation when I don’t know what to say?
When I have something to say or an idea I don’t say it because the people who I’m with are still talking about theirs. And when I try to say my ideas I feel like they aren’t interested. When it all quiet and somehow awkward, how do I start a conversation when I have no idea what to say?...

Which states do mechanics get payed the most?
Im a high school graduate from class 2015. Im 23 years old, single with no kids. I have no preference as to where I want to live as long its out of my home town El Paso, Texas. How many certificates can I get as a mechanic and how long does it take to earn all certificates? #engineer #career...

What should you major in if you want to be a T.V Show Host or an on air personality?
I am asking this question because I am really interested in going into a career within these fields and I want to prepare myself in college. Thank you for listening! Hope you have a great day. #college #communications #communication #television #broadcast-television #telecommunications