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Gloria Ortiz’s Avatar

Gloria Ortiz

Instructional Designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Irving, Texas
852 Answers
1124797 Reads
1962 Karma


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Ruan’s Avatar
Ruan Jul 24, 2021 1370 views

which career fields suit me

#career #career-choice #career-path

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla May 13, 2016 1142 views

What are some things I should know about living on campus?

I have almost all of my stuff for my dorm, but is living in a dorm going to be hard adjusting to? What are some things I should expect while living on campus? Is it easy to make friends with people who live in the same hall as you? #college #college-bound #college-student #college-life...

Bethany’s Avatar
Bethany Feb 10, 2021 1082 views

What is some advice to a new college student who has never lived alone?

I'm about to go off to college and it's very scary to think I'll be in an unfamiliar place all by myself. #college-student #college-bound

Destiny’s Avatar
Destiny Sep 16, 2020 1168 views

How do professional settings handle immature and disrespectful people?

#professional #any #professionals #law # #career #disrespect #immaturity

Makiya’s Avatar
Makiya Mar 01, 2021 1429 views

How do you know if you like your profession?

I am very versatile. I Can switch us and so almost anything if I put my mind to it. It’s not hard for me a catch on and learn something new. #any #professional #educator #friends

hana’s Avatar
hana Jul 23, 2021 1079 views

job interview advices

im a 2nd yr college student, planning to get a job for the first time (i don't have any job experience at all) #college #job #jobinterview #callcenter

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jul 23, 2021 688 views

what do I do if I have no clue what I wanna be

I am interested in so many things I don’t know which one I boils stick with #career

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Apr 09, 2021 812 views

Did you enjoy what you're doing?

Want to major in something business related #major

Aditi’s Avatar
Aditi Jul 22, 2021 621 views

what do need to major for getting into liberal arts

I am a ninth grade student who has a C+ grades and I am very athletic and was a captain for hockey and net ball during 8 grade #major

Yairy’s Avatar
Yairy Jun 25, 2021 642 views

How did you find what made you truly happy

My name is yairy #scholarship #college #internship #career-counseling #biology

Arnelle’s Avatar
Arnelle Jun 28, 2021 771 views

How can I combined my creativity with my helping skills?

Hi, I'm Arnelle, I am currently a college student. I like to help people I love to help others. I am a big believer in mindfulness and art. Photography is something that amazes me and I hope to excel at it.

#art #college #artist

Murtaza’s Avatar
Murtaza Apr 05, 2020 7169 views

What is your definition of failure?

I have seen people struggle in different ways based on the task or project we take up. Does that mean we all struggle in the same way? #college

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Jun 29, 2021 765 views

At what age should someone have a career choice?

I’m a person who likes entertainment and helping others. #college

Deborah’s Avatar
Deborah Jul 01, 2021 584 views

What are tips on graduating highschool early?

I am currently a sophomore & I want to graduate highschool early to get a head start on my medical career. #medicine #graduate-school #college

Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Jul 12, 2016 1245 views

What should I do before graduating college?

The real world (I'm assuming) is definitely different from the college bubble. Before I graduate college, what should I prepare for /expect from the real world? #college #graduate-school