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Michael Stempel’s Avatar

Michael Stempel

Senior Assurance Associate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
8 Answers
12420 Reads
36 Karma

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Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 27, 2018 770 views

What are some tips for inviting a company to create a new position for your expertise?

I'm going into a new field for which there will be few job openings, and most interested companies will have to create a position for me.
#createaposition #healthcare #jobs #cooperate-environement #professionalism

Haddy’s Avatar
Haddy Jan 16, 2018 1215 views

How do you take a GAP year?

#gap-year #college #graduation #college-prep #life-transitions

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Apr 17, 2019 683 views

Can i make money of walking

I see ads on social media and its walking for money. #money

Quasin’s Avatar
Quasin Apr 10, 2019 3605 views

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

#culinary #chef #cooking

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Apr 18, 2018 1694 views

What can I do in order to prepare myself to be most successful in pursuing an Kinesiology degree?

I have a passion for fitness, science, and nutrition, which makes a Kinesiology degree prefect for me. However, I wish to begin my college career as prepared as possible, and I am curious as to what steps I need to take to be on the correct path to the degree of my dreams. #fitness...

shatir’s Avatar
shatir Apr 10, 2019 710 views

how many fitness jobs are in florida

#health #athletic-training

Justyn’s Avatar
Justyn Apr 04, 2018 804 views

Looking for a job that will pay a 16 year old 4 figures need to support myself?


daneke’s Avatar
daneke Apr 17, 2019 1156 views

should i go to college or go straight into the work force?

I am an easy going person, i'm very determined, i catch on fast, sometimes i procastinate, i'm nice, i i think to much, i will eaisly get distracted #money