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Doris Delgado’s Avatar

Doris Delgado

Senior-Network Operations
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
12 Answers
22787 Reads
41 Karma

Active Locations

ashley’s Avatar
ashley Jan 24, 2020 1221 views

How do i find a college or university that is best for me?

#college #university #college-advice #college-admissions

Dearson’s Avatar
Dearson Jan 13, 2020 908 views

What are the advantages of being an auto mechanic professional?

I am an eager beaver whose ready to learn. #mechanics

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Sep 18, 2019 659 views

What Are You Passionate About?


Zoe’s Avatar
Zoe Jan 25, 2020 822 views

What makes you the person that you are?

I’m a college senior studying biology. I’m always ready to be a leader and guide people to be the best they can. #WSU #Biology #StudentAmbassador

Gadhamsetty’s Avatar
Gadhamsetty Jan 25, 2020 520 views

I wish to volunteer for programs and obtain certificate for the same. I would like to know events or programs for volunteering.

I am in 11th grade

Rachael’s Avatar
Rachael Jan 23, 2020 1456 views

How can I start working toward a career, in the tech field, without a degree?

#tech #computer #programming #engineering #business #information-technology #singlemom #workingmom

Anyone have any advice that could be helpful to getting started?

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 12, 2017 9033 views

What is the 1 book you would suggest everyone reads in their lifetime?

I'm making it a personal goal to read for 30 minutes daily again, and am looking for some quality material. Anything related to science, technology, or woman's history are very interesting to me. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #women-in-tech #reading #women-in-engineering #books

Armando’s Avatar
Armando May 03, 2019 1137 views

What security certifications are ideal to obtain when pursuing a career in cyber security, more specifically a position dealing with cybercrime?

#cyber-security #cybercrime

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Feb 07, 2017 2319 views

What is the best path for a student of information technology or related field that wishes to start a career in Information Security?

I am graduating soon, and want to work in Information Security. What certifications, if any, are required/appropriate? Should I get programming work experience before attempting to move into Information Security? Is there any other advice that you can give that might help me break into the...

Carylle’s Avatar
Carylle Aug 28, 2019 2505 views

If i could turn back in time, what would i tell my self to my younger self


Donovan’s Avatar
Donovan Aug 02, 2019 639 views

What opportunities has this particular profession opened for you?

#engineer #professional #career #HVAC

Hector’s Avatar
Hector Aug 28, 2019 1440 views

Which language should i start with in learning code?

Just starting to learn code going to college for computer programming #computer-programming #coding