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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2524797 Reads
11180 Karma


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Anneliese’s Avatar
Anneliese Aug 18, 2018 798 views

I'm interested in being an alternative energy engineer, but not many colleges offer that as a bachelor's degree. What field of engineering should I go into?


Ayjena’s Avatar
Ayjena Aug 18, 2018 499 views

Is it smart to pursue a career in medicine if you aren't good at math?


Autumn’s Avatar
Autumn Aug 18, 2018 881 views

How do I make sure I'm making a difference in the world

I want to dedicate my career to helping others. I have to be part of the change in medicine #women-in-tech . #tech #startups #technology #medicine#helping

Melvin Summerville’s Avatar
Melvin Aug 18, 2018 740 views

Good Manufacturing Engineering Schools

Hey guys, I just wanted to know what graduate schools out there are good for manufacturing engineering? I'm a mechanical engineering student and right now I'm looking at Rutgers, NJIT, and Rowan University but I'm not sure what's good for manufacturing. Thanks! #manufacturing...

Melvin Summerville’s Avatar
Melvin Aug 18, 2018 1142 views

New Methods and innovation in Manufacturing?

Hey guys, As a mechanical engineering student, I'm interested in the manufacturing industry and want to know about any new innovations or methods in manufacturing? I know 3D printing is on the rise but I'm not sure of what other things to look out for. Thanks! #manufacturing...

Camilo’s Avatar
Camilo Aug 18, 2018 922 views

How to be productive?

What’s the best way to stop procrastinating and having productive days? #motivation #advice #college

Camilo’s Avatar
Camilo Aug 18, 2018 654 views

What sort of jobs can you get with a degree in digital media?

Is digital media a worthwhile degree and what sort of jobs can you get? #media #programming #technology #computer

Angela’s Avatar
Angela Aug 18, 2018 746 views

How do I know when I've found a potential career mentor?

When is safe to approach someone in a higher position than you to form a connection? How can you ensure you're not stepping out of line in doing so? #career #mentor #connections

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 13, 2018 606 views

Which major can I get to become a pediatrician?

I am going to Portland State University, so I want to know which specific major it is. Also, it will help me to be prepare for specific class for the right major. #majors #college #pediatrics #medicine #health #healthcare #major

Brenna’s Avatar
Brenna Aug 14, 2018 1657 views

What is the hardest part of transitioning from high school to college? How do I help myself in that transition?

#high-school #moving #college #college-life

Brenna’s Avatar
Brenna Aug 15, 2018 818 views

Do you believe in determining your fate through education or do you believe in more of a"whatever happens, happens" approach when it comes to schools and careers?

Sometimes I think that no matter where I end up or what I do, I will find a way to enjoy it. I was wondering if anyone shares this view or opposes it. #career #fate #college #jobs #life #destiny

Mauricio’s Avatar
Mauricio Aug 16, 2018 1031 views

How do you handle homework and recreational activities?

Whenever you are enrolled in an academically intensive major, you get assigned a lot of homework and reading assignments. My questions revolves around the idea of how exactly do you find the time for your personal engagements and do well in your courses without sacrificing all of your time to...

Suet’s Avatar
Suet Aug 16, 2018 631 views

What are some advice for an introvert to get involved in college?

#social life #college

K’s Avatar
K Aug 16, 2018 742 views

What are the best steps to take as someone who would like to pursue both social work and animation?

I plan to finish college with at least a bachelor's in animation, but possibly a masters! This would mean I would probably have to double major. I'd like to do this at UGA, UNG, or maybe Breanau here in Georgia. This has been my plan for quite some time, however, if there are better options...

Amadea’s Avatar
Amadea Aug 16, 2018 649 views

What to prepare for studying abroad?

I am still confused as to where I should continue my study. I am considering studying abroad. What are the requirements to do so?