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James SARGENT’s Avatar


Machine opt
Production Occupations - Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Lawrenceburg, Kentucky
54 Answers
33087 Reads
41 Karma



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jbob’s Avatar
jbob Dec 18 216 views

diesel mechanic how to work

how fun is it to be a diesel mechanic

Noah (Ice)’s Avatar
Noah (Ice) Feb 16 1420 views

How often do you get raises/bonuses as an automobile mechanic?

I'm in 10th grade and I want to get a career where I can work on cars

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Feb 08 998 views

How can I try out farming?

I am in high school and I don't know if I want to go into farming yet so I would like to have a bit of experience in it before I peruse it as my career. I am wondering if there are places that hire kids for a summer job, just to help them get experience.

Violet’s Avatar
Violet Dec 11, 2023 582 views

Will getting my GED hold me back in Politics?

I'm currently in the Job Crops program. After I plan to do 2 years of community college and then transfer to a Univerity for my Political Science degree. Then I want to pursue politics. My question is will getting my GED at Job Crops instead of my diploma hold me back in politics? Currently to...

Tommy’s Avatar
Tommy Apr 11, 2023 837 views

What is the most complicated auto repair out there?

what is the most difficult thing you can repair on a car like what type of training will i have to undergo to learn how to understand and be able to preform the most difficult repair on a car

Brady’s Avatar
Brady Feb 14, 2023 648 views

how difficult can farming be?

how expensive will it be?

Aaliyah’s Avatar
Aaliyah Jan 31, 2023 436 views

In your opinion, how difficult is it for recent graduates of a college or job training program to get hired for an Auto Mechanic in the region – not difficult, somewhat difficult, or very difficult. Why?

I am finishing my high school diploma right now and I am starting the trade facilities maintenance to start to get the feeling of a real job. When I am finished with both, would I be more likely to receive a job in auto?

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Jan 24, 2023 413 views

is being an auto or diesel mechanic hard or stressful?

is it a stressful job?

isabel’s Avatar
isabel Dec 14, 2022 479 views

How can I become a cattle famer?

thank you!

Keyara’s Avatar
Keyara Dec 06, 2022 568 views

How is the automotive life?

What is the best and worst part of your job?
How long have you been in the industry?
Is there something new to learn everyday?
When did you decide the automotive industry was for you?

Jasmine’s Avatar
Jasmine Nov 20, 2022 734 views

What are some affordable good cars to buy?

Best affordable cars to drive 2022? Looking to buy a car that is affordable and doesn't break down often. Help is needed and will be appreciated

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Nov 10, 2022 712 views

Jobs for working with livestock?

I am really interested in working with livestock but don't really know what job would be best for that. I know there is farming/ranching and livestock vets. Besides that, I do not know what career I could do with them.

Baruch’s Avatar
Baruch Nov 09, 2022 405 views

What dream car inspired you to work in your automotive career?

I believe most people follow automotive careers with a dream car in mind, and I am curious as to which car influenced others the most.

ryland’s Avatar
ryland Nov 01, 2022 592 views

How do I combine my love for woodworking and agriculture?

How could I do woodwork and Agriculture at the same time. What would a smart career path for me to pursue. How are these two subjects a-like.

valentin’s Avatar
valentin Oct 26, 2022 1253 views

What should I expect when being an auto mechanic like do you get overwhelmed with the workload if a lot of cars come in?

What should I expect when being an auto mechanic like do you get overwhelmed with the workload if a lot of cars come in?