Career questions tagged ged

What is the most efficient way to get a IT job/internship, while still being in school.?
I am currently getting my GED and I am searching for IT jobs and or internships to apply for but I cant seem to find any. I am going to college in the spring for cybersecurity but I want some more experience beforehand. I am pretty efficient in computer engineering and I know a bit of programming but I want to learn more. Any recommendations on where I should look?

Will getting my GED hold me back in Politics?
I'm currently in the Job Crops program. After I plan to do 2 years of community college and then transfer to a Univerity for my Political Science degree. Then I want to pursue politics. My question is will getting my GED at Job Crops instead of my diploma hold me back in politics? Currently to qualify for my Diploma I have to get my GED so is it really worth doing both?

Am i able to still get my dream job if i have to get a GED?
Am i able to become a counselor if i have a GED? I am failing school and have to repeat 9th grade my school had told me i was most likely get kicked out and most likely will have to get my GED im concerned i wont be able to get my dream job.

When should you begin applying for colleges, scholarships and financial aid?
If you are planning on receiving your GED, when should you begin applying for colleges, scholarships and loans? #Spring23

When it comes to getting your General Education Degree in college, is it better to got to a community college after high school or straight to a Cal State or UCs
#generaleducation #ged #college #colleges