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Rebecca Tang’s Avatar

Rebecca Tang

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Hong Kong
1752 Answers
1444797 Reads
2490 Karma


Civic Duty
Litzy’s Avatar
Litzy Apr 27 358 views

How can I choose a career I want?

I am having trouble choosing a career. I like fashion and solving things.

James’s Avatar
James Apr 26 381 views

How do you determine what to do in the future?

I'm currently a sophomore in high school

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Apr 24 228 views

Sports-Life-School Balance

Hello! Does anyone have any recommendations for how to balance life-work-sports? I am in Spring Track and Field, and I'm having trouble finding a balance.


Kristin’s Avatar
Kristin Apr 24 494 views

When should I decide my collage major?

I'm a freshman in HS, so I still have a good 3 years before college, but I don't really have a clue what I want to study. I have a few ideas, but they're all in different fields and for different reasons. Also considering the fact that my major will impact which schools I should apply to,...

Blessing’s Avatar
Blessing Apr 22 495 views

What are the steps to follow to have a successful career?

Career question

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Apr 21 456 views

How to choose a better career?

How can make a good decision when choosing a career

Xin Hui’s Avatar
Xin Hui Apr 21 1123 views

How can I better understand myself for my future career?

I am in 10th and i’m really lost in life about what I should do. I like creative jobs, science and business.

carmen’s Avatar
carmen Apr 20 1320 views

what is the best career path to take?

career path tips

laura’s Avatar
laura Apr 20 1136 views

How can I manage my time in school?

How can I manage my time in school when I still have extra curricular activities waiting for me and side job or gigs I have to hussle out for money again?

Sula’s Avatar
Sula Apr 19 296 views

How to know best business to start ?

How to know best businesse to start

omar’s Avatar
omar Apr 20 556 views

How to find the perfect career for me?

I already have a couple careers in mind but there are so many and I learn about new ones each day how to find the perfect one for me?

James’s Avatar
James Apr 19 438 views

How can become a successful entrepreneur ?

In a technological advance world

Mustapha’s Avatar
Mustapha Apr 19 362 views

How do I know which is right?

How do I know the right career path for me?
I am sophomore student trying yo navigate through life, Please help with good advices so that I can plan my future.

Paymahn’s Avatar
Paymahn Apr 17 817 views

I'm interested in coding and computers but I have not been informed about what jobs include these attributes?

I want to learn more about what jobs would be good fits for me and my style of work. I would like to know more about what kinds of opportunities would be a good fit for me. A job that includes coding and computers would be a nice fit for my style of working but I don't know which exact jobs...

Ridwan’s Avatar
Ridwan Apr 17 684 views

how do I know if computer science is the right college major for me

I'm a 16 vear old rising high schoo senior. and I've been learning how to code in my free time for the past year or so. I've decided that I want to study computer science in college, but I'm still not entirely sure about my decision.