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Estelle Archer’s Avatar

Estelle Archer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
United States
1322 Answers
1149077 Reads
738 Karma


Civic Duty

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Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 16, 2020 623 views

Do I have to know how to type fast to go into medical field?

#medicine #premed

Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 16, 2020 880 views

How to become a nurse practitioner?

#medicine #premed

Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 16, 2020 782 views

Do you need to graduate college to become PA?

#medicine #premed

Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 16, 2020 608 views

What is on the MCAT

#premed #medicine

Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 16, 2020 710 views

Will my writing need to be good for med school?

#medicine #premed

Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 16, 2020 648 views

Will it be a problem living with my family in med school?

#medicine #premed

Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 16, 2020 662 views

Will I become very unhealthy in med school due to the time commitment?

#premed #medical #medicine

danna’s Avatar
danna Sep 23, 2019 574 views

is residency after med school done with a plastic surgeon if you're looking to become one?

high school student looking into becoming a plastic surgeon #premed #doctor #medicine #surgeon #surgery

Marisol’s Avatar
Marisol Apr 17, 2019 635 views

How to be a good surgeon assistant?

#doctor #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #surgeon #surgery #surgeon-assistant #premed

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Jun 10, 2020 703 views

what is the bs/md program

I am interested in the route of becoming a doctor right after high school, since it will save time and money, without requiring an MCAT. What are the differences between #hospital-and-health-care #healthcare #medical #medicine #doctor this versus the traditional route and is it easier or...

Polina’s Avatar
Polina May 22, 2020 2412 views

How many pages for a resume / CV?


What is the recommended number of pages for a resume / CV? The general consensus​ seems to be saying two sides, however, #resume #job-application #job-search #job #career I have heard from many recruiters and people in general that only one side is preferred. What are your thoughts?

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 610 views

What are important things to look into for college?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 863 views

Whats the best medical specialty to pursue in your opinion?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Aug 18, 2020 574 views

How difficult is it to stay motivated in the medical field?

I'm an avid female wanting to pursue medicine because of my strong passion for it #doctor #medicine

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 29, 2020 3003 views

Is biomedical engineering harder than medicine?


Aleksandra’s Avatar
Aleksandra Jul 29, 2020 769 views

When do I begin studying for the MCAT?

I just finished my first year as an undergraduate student. I'm majoring in biochemistry and minoring in psychology. I know these two fields are very helpful for the MCAT. (I am very interested in those fields as well, so it was not the only reason I chose them.) When did you begin studying for...

Karoline’s Avatar
Karoline Jul 22, 2020 442 views

If I want to be a PA, what should i study in college?

#students #professional

Karoline’s Avatar
Karoline Jul 22, 2020 493 views

how many years of school do you need to be a PA?

im a junior in highschool #school #schools

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 21, 2020 390 views

How many years of school do I need in order to become a surgeon?

#surgeon #medical-school

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 21, 2020 419 views

What other strengths or experiences do I need for becoming a surgeon?

#medicine #surgeon

Tara’s Avatar
Tara Jul 20, 2020 557 views

How feasible is doing a PhD and MD at the same time?

How feasible is it to become both a scientist and a doctor? Thank you!

#JULY20 #medicine #healthcare #scientist #doctor

Isabel’s Avatar
Isabel Jul 17, 2020 487 views

Where is our tuition money actually going? #JULY2020

I'm beginning to understand just how corrupt our post-secondary education systems are. That said, where is our tuition money really going beyond supplies and material for classes, and potentially the salaries of professors? How much of a chunk are deans and presidents taking out of our cheques...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 16, 2020 471 views

How much do doctor's make?

#medicine #money

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 16, 2020 445 views

What if care is needed on short notice or after office hours?

#doctor #medicine
If someone is hurt and the office is about to close, do you still help the person or tell them to go somewhere else? Would I be responsible for them?

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 14, 2020 530 views

Are there opportunities for advancement or professional development?

#medicine #professional

Eli’s Avatar
Eli Sep 18, 2020 411 views

What Things i need to know to be a doctor

#medicine #doctor #life saver

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Sep 17, 2020 949 views

What are some careers in the medical field that don’t directly involve being with patients?

#medicine #medical #science

Yeanna’s Avatar
Yeanna Sep 12, 2020 702 views

Is it worth putting in all the time and effort to become a doctor?

I am a junior in highschool and I am considering different career paths and am curious to what it is like, and if it is worth it to become a doctor, specifically a pediatrician. #doctor #medicine #pediatrics

quintoniesha’s Avatar
quintoniesha Sep 04, 2020 573 views

what school can I go to for a nursing trade ?


Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 512 views

Whats the best way to become a doctor and have least amount of debt?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 458 views

What sacrifices did you have to make to become a doctor?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 23, 2020 487 views

Whats a great specialty that isnt so time consuming and deals with children?

I want to become a doctor but not sure hat to specialize in. #medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 22, 2020 463 views

Prior to my interest in medicine, I enjoyed doing art (drawing and sketching). Are there any medical professions that I can incorporate my love for both? [I know this may be a long shot]

#art #medicine #career

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 638 views

Is the medical field competitive?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 707 views

Is it unprofessional to have tattoos as a doctor?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 525 views

How should you dress as a medial physician?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Horizon’s Avatar
Horizon Jan 10, 2019 1192 views

Im interested in becoming a phlebotomist, what steps could I take to get there?

#medicine #healthcare #phlebotomist #hospital-and-health-care #doctor #Phlebotomy

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Aug 11, 2020 1726 views

Is phlebotomy a hard job?

What's so hard about doing this job? #phlebotomy #hard-job

Taysha’s Avatar
Taysha Jan 17, 2018 709 views

Is the phlebotomy field growing?

I would like to know if the need for phlebotomist will increase or if it's expected to decline in the future. #phlebotomy

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Aug 11, 2020 606 views

What strengths do I need to be a phlebotomist?

#medical #strengths #phlebotomy

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 637 views

What are important things to mention in your resume and college essay?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 708 views

What are somme online activities I can do now that clubs and other volunteer are being postponed or unavailable?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 736 views

Do you think colleges will be more lenient with volunteer work because of the pandemic?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 592 views

Do you think the way we apply to colleges will change because of the global pandemic?

#career #medical #career-advice #school #medicine #career-path

Devyn’s Avatar
Devyn Sep 16, 2020 508 views

What advice would you have for anyone trying to become a Radiologist?

#medicine #radiologist #nursing #doctor

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Sep 18, 2020 611 views

How did you decide you wanted to be a doctor? Not a dentist, pharmacist, nurse, or another job in health?

How did you decide you wanted to go to med school and become a doctor? And not become a nurse or dentist, or any other job that has to do with medicine and helping people? #doctor #medical

#health #hospital-and-health-care #nurse #pharmacist

Larissa’s Avatar
Larissa May 21, 2018 853 views

what's the best part about being a medical assistant

Hi I want to work in the Healthcare field and I'm trying to decide which field would be the best for me. I think medical assistant is interesting but I also like nursing ,so I'm trying to figure out what's the best part about being a medical assistant ? #medical-assistant #hospital #medicine...

Tamyra’s Avatar
Tamyra Sep 18, 2020 563 views

How many years of school will you have to take for medical assistant ?

My name is Tamyra . I'm 14 and i want to be an medical assistant when i get older .
I just want to know is the path to medical assistant challenging . #medical # nurse #doctor #medical-assistant

Araba’s Avatar
Araba Aug 22, 2016 1143 views

I am starting nursing school and I need some advice.

I am a college student. I was in a community college, doing my prerequisites for the nursing degree. I am done with most of them so I transferred to a 4 year college. I have 3 more years and I am done with BSN. I am starting the nursing classes just this fall semester. If you were giving the...

Takarai’s Avatar
Takarai Jun 27, 2018 845 views

How many years does a doctor go to school?
