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Estelle Archer’s Avatar

Estelle Archer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
United States
1322 Answers
1151227 Reads
738 Karma


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siobhan’s Avatar
siobhan Aug 20, 2020 804 views

Where are the best places to do your dermatology residency?

I want to go into dermatology, and I think I want to do my residency at a hospital. But I'm not sure if dermatology is the best fit for me. #medicine #dermatology #hospital

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 27, 2020 797 views

To follow up on one of my previous questions about shadowing, how long should you shadow a professional? A few weeks? Months?

#medicine #medschool

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 23, 2020 1000 views

When applying to medical school, how many volunteer/internship hours should be completed?

#school #medical #medicine

Jacqueline’s Avatar
Jacqueline May 27, 2015 37191 views

How many years does it take to become a pediatrician? What does this career path look like specifically?

I am interested in becoming a pediatrician. #doctor #science #biology #molecular-biology #pediatrican

Melanie’s Avatar
Melanie Aug 24, 2020 530 views

What is it like in the doctor fields?

Hi my name is Melanie Applewhite and i was just amazed by what doctors do to help people. I was just wondering what exactly happens in the doctor fields besides giving people shots. #doctor #pediatrican

Anna’s Avatar
Anna May 13, 2016 1256 views

Did you always know you wanted to be a surgeon?

I really like the prospect of surgery but am hesitant because I am squeamish. I was wondering if surgeons always knew they wanted to be surgeons or if they grew into it, and gradually the squeamish-ness (for lack of better words) dissipated? #medicine #surgery

Briseida’s Avatar
Briseida Apr 17, 2019 551 views

how many years of school to become a surgeon?

#surgery #medicine

evelyn’s Avatar
evelyn Sep 01, 2017 831 views

Is biology a good major to get into medical school?

I want to have a career as a surgeon and i want to be able to know what i should major in to have more chance to get into medical school
#medicine #surgery

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 21, 2020 662 views

What do surgeon's do on a daily basis?

#surgeon #surgery

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 08, 2020 483 views

What are the benefits becoming an RN?

I'm Jessica. I'm becoming a junior and I'll be looking at colleges for nursing.
#nursing #healthcare

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 14, 2020 922 views

What types of charting systems are there that nurses use?

#nursing #healthcare

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 08, 2020 511 views

What do you do if a patient refuses care at a risk of his or her own safety?

I feel like for me I would have to call back up for help. #medicine #healthcare

Armaan’s Avatar
Armaan Apr 15, 2019 894 views

What can I do right now??

I'm in grade eight, what can I do right now that can make me improve my chances to become a Sport Medicine Doctor? #doctor #medicine #healthcare

Jayline’s Avatar
Jayline Sep 13, 2019 1319 views

What courses are required to take to be in the medical field ?

I am unsure on where I want to go in the medical field. I am interested in nursing but I want to go more deep and do a lot more, I just don’t know my passion just yet. #medicine #doctor #healthcare

safina’s Avatar
safina May 06, 2016 765 views

I want to become a doctor after completing college.

for my best future #medicine #healthcare

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 08, 2020 2052 views

Why did you choose to go in the medical field?

I feel like going into the medical field is such a big step in your life. #medicine #healthcare

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 21, 2020 505 views

How do surgeons prepare for a patients' surgery?

#medicine #surgery

Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Jul 22, 2020 462 views

How much do surgeons make a year?

I'm a junior in high school. I live in New York and I want to become a cardiologist surgeon . #surgeon #medicine

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jul 13, 2020 789 views

Are there any volunteer opportunities for future anesthesiologists currently in high school?

#medical #doctor #medicine #highschool#volunteer#anesthesiologist

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 16, 2020 415 views

How do doctors deal with difficult patients?

#medicine #difficulty #medical #doctor

Holly’s Avatar
Holly Oct 31, 2016 958 views

What would be the best route to take in order to obtain a doctorate degree in psychology

I ask this particular question because I have asked many people this question and I can not seem to get a clear answer. I would like to be a Clinical Psychologist one day and I want to know the best path to take so I may be the best at this particular job. I would greatly appreciate a response...

Arely’s Avatar
Arely Aug 05, 2019 940 views

What is the most efficient pathway to become a Registered Nurse?

I am a High School graduate, interested in the Health-Care field
#nursing #nurse #healthcare #registered-nurses

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 14, 2020 461 views

Have you worked with many foreign nurses?

#nursing #healthcare

Karoline’s Avatar
Karoline Jul 23, 2020 654 views

does being a doctor affect your personal life?

#doctorate-degree #doctor

Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Jul 22, 2020 636 views

What are some colleges with a good medical program?

#medicine #surgery # #program

Samyukta’s Avatar
Samyukta Jul 30, 2020 667 views

What are some careers related to genetics?

I find myself drawn to genetics. In case I want to pursue a career in genetics, what all options lie before me?
#medicine #biology #genetics #career-choice

Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Jul 22, 2020 580 views

What majors do you take if you want to be in cardiothoracic surgery?

#professional #surgery #surgeon #medicine #health-care #cardiology

jamesina’s Avatar
jamesina Aug 03, 2020 475 views

What are some good medical internships?

i want to become a doctor. senior in high school. #doctor #surgeon

Betty’s Avatar
Betty Jul 17, 2020 425 views

What are good majors to choice when wanting to go into cancer research?

My ultimate goal is to work as a cancer researcher, but I'm not quite sure which majors are best to get me there.
#medicine #health #JULY20

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jan 16, 2018 722 views

How do I balance taking care of my health, studying, and maintaining a social life in college?

I'm having the hardest time trying to manage it all! #work-life-balance

Damien’s Avatar
Damien Apr 20, 2018 782 views

What are common mistakes, in college, that are easy to avoid?

We all roughly face the same #obstacles and #challenges during our college education. However, it can be quite difficult sometimes to face them without any #advices. Learning from others' past #mistakes can be a positive way to avoid those mistakes and to focus more on the education aspect than...

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Jun 12, 2019 930 views

what do you do at work and what is your schedule


Clinton’s Avatar
Clinton Jul 20, 2020 569 views

As a nurse or doctor, how would you handle a crisis, such as any pandemic outbreak?

#doctor, #nurse, #hospitals, #work-life-balance, #emergency-room, #july20

Latasha’s Avatar
Latasha Jul 29, 2020 561 views

What are the biggest challenges or issues that nurses face today during the pandemic and how do they manage to overcome it in an effective way?

#July20 #Nursing #Challenges #Obstacles

Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha Sep 09, 2012 3605 views

Can you work anywhere in the world if your a neurosurgeon ?

Im a sophomore in High school that really wants to be a neurosurgeon. But i want to live in Africa one day. #doctor #neurosurgeon

Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin Jul 29, 2020 485 views

I want to become a doctor. If I complete my undergraduate degree in three years, how should I make time to study for the MCAT?

I am approaching my senior year of high school. I am planning on acquiring an MD in a 7-year period. I am also considering the possibility of becoming a #surgeon. #doctor #neurosurgeon

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 680 views

Whats the most important thing you have learned from medical school?

#high-school #school #schools #medicine #medical #medicalfield

Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Aug 21, 2020 379 views

What is the most common medicine do you be prescribing people?

#medicine #prescriptions

Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Aug 21, 2020 427 views

How many hours do you work as a doctor per week?

#working #doctor

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 23, 2020 537 views

What's it like working in a hospital?

#doctor #nurse #medical

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Aug 22, 2018 891 views

If I score high enough on an AP test to skip a college class, should I?

If my AP Literature score comes back as a 5, then I can skip English 1101. This could be bad considering it will be a transition into college literature class. #high-school-classes

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 08, 2020 604 views

How does a neonatal nurse feel when a baby has passed away?

I want to become a neonatal nurse and want to prepare myself in case this happens
#nursing #Nurse

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Aug 17, 2020 4277 views

Is dietitian called a doctor?

#dietitian #doctor

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 562 views

What was your favorite part of being in medical school?

#medical-school #graduate-school #schools #high-school-classes #school

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 413 views

Whats some advice on starting your own medical practice?

#medicalpractice #medicine #doctor #medical

Karoline’s Avatar
Karoline Aug 26, 2020 539 views

what privileges do doctors of higher ranks get?

#doctor #doctors

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 21, 2020 535 views

What are quality a doctor should have?

#doctors #doctorate-degree #doctor #emergency-room #doctorate

Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Aug 24, 2020 481 views

What is the most common med school interview question?

#medical-school #interview

Karoline’s Avatar
Karoline Aug 26, 2020 455 views

what forms of school are best for being a doctor?

#doctor #medical-school

Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Aug 24, 2020 538 views

What is the hardest thing you had to handle as a doctor?

#doctor #weakness