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Nicole Baillie’s Avatar

Nicole Baillie

Data Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
484 Answers
264088 Reads
872 Karma


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Lucas’s Avatar
Lucas Jun 08, 2021 482 views

What math field would be the best to explore for me?

I enjoy math as a whole and have always thought about something with statistics. I also really enjoy sports so a combination of the 2 would be cool. #math #sports #college

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Jun 08, 2021 604 views

STEM meets writing

I am a student that thrives in STEM classes. When identifying a struggle I face at school, I would have to say I struggle to find the motivation and focus to write essays. I am a decent writer, but I simply don't enjoy writing. If I were to become a geneticist, or something similar, would I be...

Jhoselin’s Avatar
Jhoselin Jun 08, 2021 662 views

Is finding work in the coding field competitive?

#computer #computer #computer-science #technology

Miguel’s Avatar
Miguel Mar 13, 2018 845 views

How can I look better for my dream college?

I have the basics such as good grades and extracurricular activities but what else can I do to look better for my dream college. #Stanford #college #college-admissions

Julianne’s Avatar
Julianne Jan 18, 2018 843 views

Will a scholarship cover my basics?

I haven't finished my basics. Will a scholarship pay for the basics to, or go straight to what I'm majoring in? #scholarships #college

Reva’s Avatar
Reva Jul 25, 2018 665 views

Is volunteering really important for college applications?

#university #career

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Aug 29, 2018 746 views

What does it look like to effectively manage your time in college?

Often times, you hear about young college students having trouble managing their time. Considering that most students want to be well-balanced both academically and socially, what are some suggestions that can help me achieve this?
#college #student #university

Hadiyah’s Avatar
Hadiyah Jan 17, 2018 803 views

How do you get motivated to fill out scholarships?

I need to get more money for school since my parents struggle to pay out of pocket #scholarship #scholarships #financial-aid #college #motivation

Claudia Michelle’s Avatar
Claudia Michelle Aug 18, 2018 635 views

What's the best search tool for jobs after college?

I feel like getting a degree isn't enough to get a job. You actually have to know where to look if you want a job in the degree you graduated from. #college #jobs #job-search

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Jan 22, 2018 748 views

How do I communicate with others in and out of high school for the future?

I'm in 11th grade and I have trouble finding connections outside of school. The only people I have to know more about life after high school are my teachers, other students, and myself. In school, my favorite subjects are Biology and History, but I don't particularly know any one who is...

Rebekah’s Avatar
Rebekah Apr 21, 2018 912 views

How difficult is it to balance being an #occupational therapist and a #mother?

I try to achieve the best in all that I do. I desire to be an #occupational therapist but I also want a #family to cherish. I would like to hear #advice on how I can chase down a #career but also #support and be involved with my family.

Vicky’s Avatar
Vicky Jan 16, 2018 723 views

Does it matter where I do my undergraduate degree?

I am conseidering if to stay in my country for my undergraduate degree or to go abroad to a higher ranking school to pursue it. #college #undergraduate #college-choice

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Aug 30, 2018 716 views

How can you find the best/most interest classes to take, once you arrive at college?

#classes #college #major #future

Angela’s Avatar
Angela Aug 18, 2018 746 views

How do I know when I've found a potential career mentor?

When is safe to approach someone in a higher position than you to form a connection? How can you ensure you're not stepping out of line in doing so? #career #mentor #connections

jakiya’s Avatar
jakiya May 20, 2021 687 views

What careers can I take on in the health administration field?

#health #public-health #sonogram #doctor #career