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Taylor Teeters’s Avatar

Taylor Teeters

Financial Advisor
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
41 Answers
50270 Reads
162 Karma

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Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Feb 23, 2022 622 views

What are the basic steps of learning real estate?


Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Feb 23, 2022 1136 views

how to be a good real estate agent?


Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Jan 21, 2022 1328 views

Should I be worried that I cannot perform up to the expectations of a job?

When I don't know something about the task that was given to me at my job, it's a good idea to ask a colleague. What happens if I really don't know much, to the point where I get fired from my job? #job #career

Gilberto’s Avatar
Gilberto Jan 25, 2022 489 views

Is there a good app, website, or YouTube channel you would recommend to start learning or learn more about welding?

#New to welding seen videos and read about the job but have no experience.

Tinni’s Avatar
Tinni May 04, 2018 737 views

What are the best study abroad programs for colleges in the U.S?

#study-abroad #college #international

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Jan 21, 2022 899 views

How do I explore local scholarships?

I'm a senior in high school and I finished my applications for college, I was told that my next steps should be to look for local scholarships, but I'm having trouble finding scholarships that I qualify for. I've used a lot of scholarship-finding websites, but most of them can't find a match...

Thulani’s Avatar
Thulani Aug 18, 2021 977 views

What kind of questions do they ask on an interview at an insurance company


Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jun 29, 2018 1247 views

Should I do a sport in College?

I heard that doing a sport in college is really intense. I am on my school's swim team and I'm not good but not bad either. I mostly do it for fun. Would joining a swim team in college be worth it? #sports #swim #college #athlete #athletics #college-athlete

Alexus’s Avatar
Alexus Feb 03, 2017 1159 views

What job opportunities are there for a bachelors degree in exercise science/kinesiology?

I am a senior in high school and want to become a Physical Therapist, my undergraduate degree would be in exercise science or kinesiology. After I plan to get my DPT, but if for some reason I don't want to continue my education or life happens after my four years of college I'm interested in...

Toni’s Avatar
Toni May 03, 2016 1543 views

How do i plan my goals ?

Career helper #planning

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Jan 16, 2018 1253 views

Paper or online calendar?

I'm looking for some advice on organization. Many of my peers use a paper agenda to keep track of assignments and due dates. Others use online applications or calendars. I want to stay organized, but I'm not sure what's best for me. #organization #studying-tips

Jephtha’s Avatar
Jephtha Feb 24, 2021 892 views

How do I find a scholarship?

Am Jephtha at Knust University in ghana level 100 am battling with financial difficulties please help me to have scholarship for me to complete my education and help my society in many aspects I really love my communicate and society #college #money #scholarships #income #income #income

sam’s Avatar
sam Feb 24, 2021 758 views

how to be a singer

i am a good singer ,writer,speaker,poet,dancer and actor #singer #performing #songwriter #talent

Clara’s Avatar
Clara Jan 16, 2018 1102 views

How to deal with audition stress?

I always have a lot of stress leading up to auditions. Any tips on this? #audition #acting #stress

alexis’s Avatar
alexis Mar 26, 2018 1515 views

What is the best organization to join when you attend college?

Should you join an organization in your major or something fun and interesting? #medicine #university #black-students #organization #college