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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1695 Answers
2261067 Reads
10009 Karma


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Citizen Patrol

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Megan’s Avatar
Megan Aug 14, 2018 605 views

How am I supposed to know what I want to do for the rest of my life without actually doing it?


Trang’s Avatar
Trang Aug 14, 2018 485 views

What is future?

There are many obstacles in life that sometimes we don't know how to step over it. We tried again, again, and again or eventually give up. Sometimes we even asked ourselves: "Have I ever given my best? Why do I keep repeating the same mistakes again and again? What can I do to overcome those...

Connor’s Avatar
Connor Aug 14, 2018 772 views

What's the best college to go to for getting a private pilots license?

#flying #privatepilot #flying-industry #pilot # #air-force #aviation #colleges #Texas

Marlyse’s Avatar
Marlyse Aug 12, 2018 534 views

How early should I be as a commuter. To ensure I'm in class on time

#general college classes. #Commuter

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Aug 11, 2018 686 views

How much homework do you get?

#community #law

Marlyse’s Avatar
Marlyse Aug 12, 2018 516 views

Necessities for class

What materials do I really need for class besides paper, pencils, and books? #classes

Camilo’s Avatar
Camilo Aug 12, 2018 769 views

what is the one thing you wish you could accomplish?

Everyone has that one dream they wish to accomplish. However, when faced with uncertainty & doubt, we tend to give up & take the “safer path”. As a result, our dreams go unfulfilled. If you could accomplish anything in your life, as crazy or ridiculous as it may seem, what would it be? #sucess...

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Aug 11, 2018 476 views

Why is it not important to be CPR trained now?

As someone who worked in a water park for three years, this week in RA (Resident Advisor) training they told us they didn't want to certify us because there's not a "high probability" since we don't really have older guests in our facilities. I was a bit bothered by the fact that two weeks ago...

Kemi’s Avatar
Kemi Aug 11, 2018 869 views

How do I find a mentor and What should I look for in a mentor?

I will be starting college soon, and I’m really freaking out because I feel don’t have a clear idea on what career path I want to take. I feel like I need someone to help and guide me throughout my college years.


Jakayla’s Avatar
Jakayla Aug 09, 2018 712 views

How hard was it to find a job while in college?

#resource fairs #first-job #collegeadvisors #career-choice

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Aug 06, 2018 697 views

How Is It Being A Park Ranger?

I love the outdoors and being in nature, and I want to preserve that nature and help to protect it. I'm considering several college and career pathways involving the outdoors and conservation and becoming a Parks Ranger seems the most direct and fulfilling in my eyes. I'm hoping to learn more...

Angela’s Avatar
Angela Aug 06, 2018 561 views

Should I stay on night shift or go to day shift?

Once I start my MSN program should I stay on night shift or switch to day shift? #lovenightshift, #nursing #MSN

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin Aug 04, 2018 713 views

Are the hours put into social work worth the outcome?

After watching videos on the social work profession, it seems that the hours can be rough and there is not a lot of vacation time available and holidays are not always available to take off. Is this a demanding career? And most importantly, is the effect you're having on the lives of others...

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Aug 03, 2018 529 views

How to find a job in the law enforcement after graduation?

To become an officer or detective

#lawenforcement #law u

Lainey Colleen’s Avatar
Lainey Colleen Aug 03, 2018 521 views

what should i major in if i want to be a tour guide?

#tourguide # #major #majors

Serena’s Avatar
Serena Aug 01, 2018 956 views

How hard is law school?

I want to be an anti-discrimination attorney #law #attorney #law-school #lawyer

Kristi’s Avatar
Kristi Aug 01, 2018 882 views

When I graduate, I will have a Master in Social Work. I was told that VA jobs are top earning jobs in this field. I am a civilian. What are my chances of making it to an interview? What can I do to improve my odds?

#work #social-work #veteranadministration #working #career

Tonni’s Avatar
Tonni Jul 31, 2018 972 views

What are good retirement plans I should know about when I apply for a job in my career?

401K plans, retirement plans that actually increase and bulid as you stay with a company, #career #job #career-counseling #business

Janelle’s Avatar
Janelle Jul 26, 2018 537 views

What is the most important soft skill to have when entering your career?

What is the most important quality that an employer is looking for when hiring someone?

Carley’s Avatar
Carley Jul 27, 2018 494 views

How do I make the right choices when there is peer pressure?

I don't want to be pressured to do anything but what happens if I am tempted to do something I may regret? #peer #pressure

Reva’s Avatar
Reva Jul 25, 2018 1003 views

Is it hard being in a completely male dominated environment?

#women-in-tech #computerscience

Christen’s Avatar
Christen Jul 19, 2018 632 views

Is it possible to go back to school when I'm already in debt?

I'm going back to school. The problem is, I already hold a bachelor's degree that's only good for working in a dying industry that no longer pays what it once did, and it's difficult to get #financialaid when you've already graduated once. I'm applying for every scholarship I'm eligible for. Is...

Elaina’s Avatar
Elaina Jul 19, 2018 631 views

What advice do you have for someone who fears changing majors but is scared to continue in the major they have selected?

I am going to begin my first year at Grand Canyon University in the fall. I was accepted into the Nursing program earlier in the year, but as time has passed I fear I don't have what it takes to be a Nurse. What should I do? #college #majors-and-minors

Carolyn’s Avatar
Carolyn Jul 17, 2018 979 views

Any advice for paying off student loans or budgeting during school/ early in your career?

Any advice for paying off student loans or budgeting during school/ early in your career? #financialadvice

Erin’s Avatar
Erin Jul 17, 2018 750 views

Going back to school through community colleges to take classes just for the sake of learning new things?

#self-improvement #back-to-school #how-applicable #recommend

Libby’s Avatar
Libby Jul 14, 2018 653 views

What classes did you take that helped you the most?

#classes #teaching

Maddisyn’s Avatar
Maddisyn Jul 13, 2018 936 views

School Supplies

So I will be starting college this next semester however I will be taking all my classes online this year, so I want to make sure I’m taking really good notes to pass my finals. What kind of notebooks would you recommend for classes like English 101-102, Biology 223, etc. (Don’t remember all of...

Litzy’s Avatar
Litzy Jul 12, 2018 885 views

How do I not give up on myself?

I have been losing my will to do things . How do you keep yourself motivated to do things ?

Lessa’s Avatar
Lessa Jul 12, 2018 668 views

Is there a place in the college world for a mother of 4 children?

I have recently started taking classes with the hope of completing a bachelor's degree I began over a decade ago. I quit school when I met the man I am now married to and spent the last years of my life taking care of my 4 wonderful children. My youngest is starting school this year, so I...

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Jul 11, 2018 681 views

Credit and how it determines job acceptance

Recently, a guest speaker came into our university today to talk about the process that he took to enter a police academy. Apparently one of the major factors that contributed to him attending the police academy was his credit and how good it was. What I want to know is: Does credit play a big...

Dimetrius’s Avatar
Dimetrius Jul 11, 2018 1172 views

Should my personality type dictate my career?

In school, we had to take personality tests to find our 'perfect career fits'. For the Myers-Briggs test, I got INTP (Introvert iNtuitive Thinking Perception), which is not known for its empathy. While it is true that I am not the most socially adept, nor am I the best at expressing (true)...

Paige Anderson’s Avatar
Paige Jul 10, 2018 1391 views

What tips do you have to increase productivity in the morning?

For those of us that aren't morning people, are there any tips or recommended habits that you may have to be as productive as possible for morning classes, assignments, and work? #productivity #habits #earlymornings

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Jul 10, 2018 572 views

I plan on going to a 4-year college, but I have five choices to choose from, please help me decide.

I'm mainly looking into my top three colleges. My top college has everything I want; biology, physics, pre-pharmacy, and veterinary medicine, but it's also 4 hours away from my family. All these majors are different but they are all the same in some ways. I still don't know what I want to be,...

isabel’s Avatar
isabel Jul 09, 2018 1130 views

Will being an Emergency Medical Technician scar me for life?

I am currently enrolled in an EMT certification course offered at my school, and, though I am very very excited about it, I am also quite terrified at the possible situations I might encounter on a call. Do EMTs frequently feel burned out and emotionally drained? Also, is it possible for an EMT...

Sadie’s Avatar
Sadie Jul 08, 2018 906 views

How do I chose what university to attend?

How do I decide between following my dreams of studying on the east coast, or staying on the west coast with my family? #family

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 07, 2018 736 views

How do you handle a conflict with a co-worker who has more seniority but is less skilled/less able than you?

There have been times in the workplace where a conflict erupts when I give a suggestion for how a job should be done because I have more experience than a co-worker. But the co-worker snaps back and says he/she has been at the company longer so I have no place to vice my opinion. It's a sticky...

David’s Avatar
David Jul 07, 2018 664 views

What is the best way for me to save money during law school?

I know that during law school I will not be allowed to work more than 15 hours per week, and I am wondering how I will be able to afford to live and also save money at the same time. #law #money #school #lawyers

David’s Avatar
David Jul 07, 2018 641 views

When should I start investing money into the stock market?

As a college junior, I know I should start thinking about investing money and also saving for retirement, but I'm not sure how much money I should have in my account before I can start doing this. #money

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jul 06, 2018 1042 views

What is the number one thing you hate to see on a resume?

I know that this is a basic question, but it matters to me in my future job search. Obviously, spelling and grammar are things to watch for, but there has to be something else that employers can't stand. I want to avoid mistakes that I just may not know about yet. #business #job-search #resume

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jul 06, 2018 679 views

Where can I find really good examples of college level resumes?

I am a sophomore business major and I want to make a good resume. Subsequently, I tried to research examples online. The problem is that there are so many and I am not sure if they are leading me down the right track. They all look slightly different and I do not want to embarrass myself....

Jaslene’s Avatar
Jaslene Jul 04, 2018 635 views

How many years of college does it take to become a lawyer?

Immigration Lawyer

John’s Avatar
John Jul 02, 2018 1053 views

How were you able to narrow down your choice of major?

As an upcoming high school sophomore, I know I still have time to make a decision but any advice would be greatly appreciated. There's just so many possibilities and opportunities to explore and I have so many things that I am interested in, I just don't know where to start. #high-school...

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jun 29, 2018 842 views

Should I do marching band in college?

I know that in college, marching band is intense and takes a lot of time. Is it fun and challenging and worth the time investment? Or is it not worth the time spent? #Band #Marching

Bryce Danniel’s Avatar
Bryce Danniel Jun 28, 2018 592 views

What are good ways to stay motivated?

There are tons of things to think about and it feels like a lot of work when it comes to staying in the right track of your goals. What are good ways to stay on top of these things? #college-bound

Lydia’s Avatar
Lydia Jun 30, 2018 830 views

Why spend thousands of dollars going to college if the career I choose I end up not liking after I get out of college?


Mirella’s Avatar
Mirella Jun 30, 2018 751 views

How many credits would I need to be considered full time college student?

#college #money #money-management #graduate #student

Ximenna’s Avatar
Ximenna Jun 27, 2018 590 views

I want to be a lawyer. What do I need to do to be come one?

I'm going into 6th grade and I know that want to work as a lawyer in a Law Firm. #lawyers #criminal-justice

Mercedes’s Avatar
Mercedes Jul 01, 2018 801 views

What are career options for people who like to organize things?

I want to be a ogranizer I like to organize I bunch of things but my peers and older adults always ask me what type of organizer but I had no clue what to respond because I’m not aware of the different organizer careers #career #career #career-choice

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jun 30, 2018 849 views

How do I know for sure when the job is the one? The one where I'm happy to be at?

My dad majored in economics and loved it, but ever since then, he hasn't found a job that he actually enjoyed.
I don't want to be in the same situation my dad was.
I want to enjoy my job and be excited to go each day.
#happiness #enjoyment #success

AnnMargaret’s Avatar
AnnMargaret Jun 29, 2018 676 views

What's something I absolutely shouldn't do in college if I want to be successful?
