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Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 01, 2016 2260 views

What are habits for success?

What do you do every morning to be productive during the day? At night?

Any tips are more than appreciated! :) #help #advice #success #fitness #exercise #routine #habits

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jun 30, 2016 1476 views

How to find a mentor in University?

Hi all. Over the past year I have been reading books, watching youtube videos, and talking with various people on the topics of self-development, entrepreneurship, leadership, etc. However, I'm missing a mentor figure in my life. How do you recommend finding a mentor, whether it be a professor...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jun 30, 2016 2588 views

Favorite podcasts for self-development?

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated! #philosophy #growth #podcasts

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jun 29, 2016 1241 views

What is one important advice do you have for an aspiring Software Engineer like me?

I am a first year Computer Science major. Also, I am taking Udacity's Android Basics by Google. #engineer #computer #software #software-engineer #android #ios-development

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jun 29, 2016 1139 views

What are good undergraduate business majors for an entrepreneurship track?

I'm a business student entering his second year of university. While I still am taking prerequisite classes, I want to declare my major first. My ultimate goal is to own my own business, yet I'm realistic and realize that'll be difficult right out of college. Therefore, what are good business...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jun 29, 2016 2135 views

As an aspiring leader and entrepreneur, what are three books I must read?

I am 19 years old at university. This summer I've immersed myself in a variety of texts ranging from philosophy to leadership advice. I still am, however, looking for that one book to spark a certain inspiration. If you have any book recommendations, I would love to hear it. #entrepreneurship...

Danish’s Avatar
Danish Jun 29, 2016 1227 views

What salary should I ask for my first full time job?

I do not want to ask for too high of a salary because then there is a chance they won't hire me. But, I also do not want to earn less than what I deserve. Should I just take the offered amount or can I ask for a higher price? If so, what are good ways to negotiate a fitting salary? #interviews...

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jun 24, 2016 1631 views

What is the best laptop for a student pursuing to be a software engineer

I am a first year Computer Science Major. And I am also taking the Android Basics Nanodegree by Google. #computer-science #computer #software #programming #software-development #software-engineer #google

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha Jun 07, 2016 951 views

How does one start working for the U.N.?

I am interested in working for the U.N. to make the world a better place by working on issues like reducing pollution, stopping wars and eradicating can I go about achieving all this ? #economics #united-nations #social-change #foreign-policy

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jun 06, 2016 1922 views

Is it important to learn Git and Github for the software industry?

I'm a first year Computer Science major.

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jun 02, 2016 1772 views

What's the best way to gain Computer Science experience, without any experience at all?

I am a first year Computer Science Major #computer-science #technology #software #programming #computer-engineering #programmer #development #google

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua May 30, 2016 2004 views

I'm thinking of learning how to develop mobile apps. Which is more valuable to companies iOS or Android? I

I can't decide which operating system to focus on. #software #software-development #software-engineer #android #ios #mobile #mobile-app

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria May 28, 2016 941 views

What types of people should I begin to network with in order to spearhead my goal of teaching abroad and starting a non-profit mentoring program?

As an upcoming college freshman, how should I start the process of networking in order to reach my goals? #teaching #education #networking #mentoring #k-12-education #business-idea

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria May 28, 2016 858 views

How should I build a successful college and career plan that will lead me to my ultimate career goal of being an international multi-faceted teacher and mentor?

After earning my degree in education and teaching in the US for a few years, I hope to move to an area such as Kuwait, Qatar, or Dubai (I am currently living in the US) to teach various subjects. I also want to start my own non-profit organization/mentoring program that will focus on developing...

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 27, 2016 1891 views

What are the tried and tested, best social media tools to use in the industry ?

I'm new to social media marketing and I would like to know how I could optimize my social media to drive growth #business #marketing #social-media #sales

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 27, 2016 1348 views

Is a career in livestock and farming a good option nowadays ?

I stumbled upon and now I'm considering the path less traveled....any tips? Is it a good idea? #agriculture #farming #livestock #organic-farming

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 27, 2016 8099 views

What is the toughest thing about being in sales?

What are some tricks you learned on the way? #business #social-media #sales #online-marketing

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella May 27, 2016 980 views

What jobs can you get with a math degree?

I am planning on majoring in mathematics because I love the subject, but I am not sure what kind of career options I will have/ #mathematics #doctorate-degree

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella May 27, 2016 1050 views

Is it worth pursuing a doctorates degree in mathematics?

I want to attain a doctorates degree in mathematics because I truly enjoy the topic and I just want to learn more about it. I want to know whether or not it is a good career choice. #mathematics #doctorate-degree

Mandy’s Avatar
Mandy May 26, 2016 960 views

Should I double major at the same time or finsh one of them first?

I am interested in two majors, however, they are completely different fields. I want to become a teacher, but also a PA in the future. Many advisors have told me to choose one for now, but how do I decide which one. Help! #educator #double-major #physicians-assistant

Mandy’s Avatar
Mandy May 26, 2016 817 views

Is it better to go to a college for their offered scholarships or to go to a college that may be more prestigious?

I am caught between two colleges. Both are of equal consideration, however one has offered more aid than the other. However, this is at the cost that other college is ranked higher for my interested field. #college #scholarships

Tarinegigha’s Avatar
Tarinegigha May 26, 2016 1012 views

What are the various ways of treatment that physical therapists offer?

I am a graduating senior who has a certain career that he wants to pursue. I have recently been accepted to Allegany College of Maryland and decided to test to become a physical therapy assistant. This is a big question I had relating to my field of choice. #college #professional-sports

Brieana’s Avatar
Brieana May 25, 2016 870 views

Can I become a RN first and then work up to becoming a physician?

I am asking this question because I want to have a career in the medical field and want advice on what steps I should take to achieving my goal #medicine #healthcare #pre-med #registered-nurses #physicians

Brieana’s Avatar
Brieana May 25, 2016 863 views

What majors would you recommend in college in order to become an Emergency Room Physician

I am asking this question because I am a junior in high school getting ready to apply for college and I would like some advice. #pre-med

Lainie’s Avatar
Lainie May 25, 2016 928 views

As a nurse, when in your career, and how did you deal with the first patient that passed away? How or did this impact how you cared for patients afterwards?

I want to be a nurse, more specifically, I want to work with sick children. I want to make them smile even when they do not feel like it. I want to be a comforting presence to them when they are scared or in pain. I am even thinking I want to work with children who are in treatment for...

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah May 24, 2016 1103 views

What are the different types of math would I need to get acquainted with if I'm looking to go into Computer Science?

Computer Science is the major that I intend to find a career in. Because I know that there are many different types of math that come into play in the field of Computer Science, I want to know what I should be prepared to study. #college #computer-science #computer-engineering

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer May 24, 2016 1094 views

What are the most important classes in the physical therapist field? How many credits do I have to take?

I love physical therapy, my mother broke her leg about four months ago, I stayed with her from the beginning of the process until the end, I watch how : doctors, nurses, and even physical therapist treated my mom. I felt in love with what they did for her.I want to know what are the most...

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer May 24, 2016 1144 views

I am going to study to become a physical therapist assistant in MCC by september, there are a requirement that estate that the student must be in a temporary class before entering the PTA program, why ? Why is it mandatory?

The reason why I am asking it is because, the career is for four semester only, and by being in that program it could take precious time.
I want to know ,why does the student have to be in the temporary program.? #physical-therapist #physical-therapy #medicine #career-counseling

Adenike’s Avatar
Adenike May 24, 2016 1073 views

I want to be a dental hygenist and how many years will that be? Also after I achieved that I wanted to be an orthodontist so how long will that take?

I'm want to pursue both of those things not very fast though. #dentistry #orthodontist #cosmetic-dentistry

Adenike’s Avatar
Adenike May 24, 2016 1098 views

I'm planning on being a dental hygenist and I'm about to gradaduate from highschool but for right now I'm not going to a 4 year college just a 2 year college but I will be there for a year. I just wanted to know what classes I should take while I'm there

I'm heading into the dental field. I also do want to be a cosmetic dentist
Also I live in Maryland #dentistry #dentist #cosmetic-dentistry

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